Might Putin have said this so the cabal can’t actually launch the second pandemic??🤔
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I would love to see the video in question instead of an image of a tweet of an article of the video
In the time out took you to write your response I was able to find the source. https://chriswicknews.com/putin-issues-urgent-warning-us-preparing-bird-flu-false-flag-to-sabotage-election/10065/
looks above so where's the source link?
Source for OP's post? Chris Wick News (June 29). Source for Chris Wick News? Appears to be The People's Voice (June 28)
It appears that the sauce for the Chris Wick article can be found at disinformation/clickbait website extraordinaire, the People'sVoice (TPV), aka NewsPunch, aka YourNewsWire, a dsinformation and clickbait website established more than 8 years ago (under the original name YourNewsWire) by an ultra-gay couple. The site has become a favorite vehicle for the MSM Propaganda Machine to denounce and discredit all alt-media and truth tellers, because of the rubbish and bullsh*te that TPV puts out.
June 28 https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/putin-issues-urgent-warning-us-preparing-bird-flu-false-flag-to-sabotage-election/
Here is (reportedly) a transcript of the Briefing by Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov. Date of the briefing is given as June 25, 2024.
here is what the briefing saying NOTHING about:
This is typical TPV (NewsPunch) formula disinformation & clickbait.
One, fabricate a sensationalist false headline designed to play to truth community biases
Two, follow the headline with 2 or 3 fabricated sensationalist assertions
Three, later on in the article, reference and/or copy paste legitimate content that appears to verify the false headline and assertions by: a) similarity of topic b) loose connections to related issues c) providing actual references implying that the original false assertions are based on these.
For example:
ONE Putin Issues Urgent Warning: US Preparing Bird Flu False Flag To Sabotage Election
NO SAUCE FOR: Putin, Bird Flu, False Flag, Sabotage Election
TWO (part 1) Deep State operatives running America are preparing to unleash a second pandemic to disrupt the 2024 election and blame the bioweapon release on Russia or another adversary, according to urgent information issued to the world by Russia at a military press conference.
NO SAUCE FOR: "Deep State operatives", "preparing a second pandemic", "Disrupt 2024 election", "blame the bioweapon release on Russia or another adversary", "urgent information issued to the world by Russia"
TWO (part 2) Russia has uncovered US plans to release an avian bioweapon false flag before the November election, allowing the Biden administration to declare a state of emergency and lockdown the nation, roll out Bill Gates’ new bird flu vaccine, and send non-compliant citizens to secret new detention facilities currently under construction in all 50 states.
NO SAUCE FOR: "avian bioweapon false flag", timing "before election", "Biden administration", "state of emergency and lockdown", "secret new detention facilities currently under construction"
THREE: legitimate but unrelated content extracted from actual briefing by Lt Gen. Kirillov
The sauce cited by OP - Chris Wick News (CWN) - simply rebrands and rewrites the false assertions in the first two elements of The People's Voice article and expands them into 5+ paragraphs. CWN fails to provide ANY sauce or reference for the information whatsoever.
In what one might label as a particularly galling mockery targeting actual truth seekers, Chris Wick embeds at the end of his article:
So CWN provides NO sauce or reference for supporting that Russia actually made any of the assertions he claims, instead diverting the reader by focus NOT on whether Russia actually made the claims or not, but whether the supposed claims are true or have any evidence.
Neat Trick. Magician's principle: distract and then amaze with slight of hand.
This sort of 'journalistic' behavior : lack of any sauces, references, and promotion of sensationalist assertions I would say fairly discredits Chris Wick as any sort of legitimate or reliable news or information source. Handle with extreme discernment.
Kudos to anons who took the OP to task and questioned this post and the lack of sources and references. (Image alone is low effort sauce, if any).
H/T u/AllMostThere for the heads up on this u/mjs001 for hunting OP sauce
Fantastic response. Truly. More is needed on these forums