On a December afternoon, Neilia Biden put Beau and Hunter in the back of the family station wagon, held the infant in her lap, and headed from her house down Limestone Road. At the highway she waited for a large truck. An 18 wheeler loaded with hay approached at highway speed, and when he got about 150 feet away she pulled out in front of him. He could not stop. Later Joe would repetedly claim that the trucker was drunk. He was not.
Neilia’s intent was to kill herself and her three children. Joe was molesting them; she saw no other way out. The two boys survived. The media at first claimed they were returning from buying a Xmas tree. But there was no tree at the scene. So they pivoted to “they were going shopping for a tree”. But who takes two toddlers and an infant shopping for anything?
Joe’s neighbor, deputy AG for Delaware, handled the “investigation”. The AG’s office does not investigate traffic fatalities. But they made an exception.
May God forgive Neilia and hold her in His hands.
h/t u/emet
I know the truck collision happened. I'm saying I believe someone (spook) pushed her out into traffic to get hit by that truck rather than her driving willingly into it.
Be cautious in saying it's "exactly" what happened. We will never know that, if we aren't direct witnesses. Settle down a bit. Sauce is always required here.