emet PRO 1 point ago +1 / -0

Rescue assets were recalled by Sec of Defense McNamara because he mistakenly believed the attack was being carried out by the Russians. McNamara had removed Liberty’s normal escort leaving it vulnerable.

It is more than likely that Liberty was gathering intel on Arabs and their Russian allies, to be shared with Israel.

X @ElroyWintogreen has the incident in graphic/illustrated (comic) format. Accurate.

emet PRO 2 points ago +2 / -0

X @ElroyWintogreen has a brief, but accurate, graphic comic of the attack.

emet PRO 0 points ago +2 / -2

Up to AG Bondi. Byrd did not kill Ashli, so he should not be punished. (Although Bondi prosecuted Zimmerman, knowing he was innocent).

Then there is the JW civil suit. Pay off taxpayer dollars for a killing that never took place?

If Byrd squawks, J6 narrative is toast. Not good to be Byrd right now.

My guess? Byrd charged with 2nd degree murder, Bondi purposely puts on a lame prosecution, DC jury deadlocks , no retrial

Or, Byrd commits suicide, and Ashli never comes back from New Zealand, or wherever.

emet PRO 0 points ago +2 / -2

Pelosi w/ CiA. It was supposed to be a massacre. Federal assets (Ukrainians?) in the crowd open fire on Capitol Police. Police return fire. Hundreds dead. Trump charged with insurrection.

But it was a dud. Ashli was supposed to “die” as Ashli Pamatian (unique alias) then go home. But that “shooting” got too much attention.

Don’t get me started on Byrd.

emet PRO -1 points ago +1 / -2

Ashli was not killed. She was taken away, probably to Andrews.

If she had actually been shot in the Capitol she would have been taken to the hospital one floor below her (Office of the Attending Physician). Its not an office. Its a hospital . 17 staff, including 3 MDs. Open 24/7.

It was a skit, meant to incite the crowd .

emet PRO 2 points ago +2 / -0


emet PRO 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just say “Mandalay” and watch Governor Lombardo start sweating like a whore in church.

emet PRO 2 points ago +2 / -0

Its a humiliation ritual. Its meant to demean.

When I was an SCO with CBP I was often assigned to pull weapons. Because its a crappy assignment. Punishing me really.

Before DHS (US Customs) we would just tell the inspector (officer) not to carry his weapon if he’d been in serious trouble.

emet PRO 2 points ago +2 / -0

An Italian Carcano rifle 6.5mm first manufactured in the late 1800s. Oswald’s was made in 1940. It was $19.95 with cheap 4x scope. I think they made a sniper version called a 70vv, but I don’t know anything about it except this was not one. Apparently he never practiced with it. He missed not qualifying by one point in the Marines with an M1. So no, he got off a couple of misses, that’s it.

emet PRO 5 points ago +5 / -0

British intel directs Mossad? Its the other way around, o hasbara poster in Tel Aviv.

And btw, your postings reveal you to be just another shonda for the goyim.

emet PRO 26 points ago +26 / -0

911 was CIA and Mossad.

The original plan was for the Millennium Bomber (Rassam) to blow up LAX Bradley Terminal, but he and his explosives got intercepted at Port Angeles by USCustoms. A few months prior, the arrest authority for Customs inspectors was removed nationwide. When Inspectors caught Rassam, they had to hold him under citizens arrest.

The US Attorney in Seattle the case, so the Port Angeles Port Director got Border Patrol to arrest him. The whole operation was messed up. The inspectors who caught Rassam were disciplined for pursuing him outside port limits. This plan was CIA/Canadian Intel. Amateurish.

For 911, they needed Mossad. INS and Customs knew something was going to happen because they were encountering hundreds of “Israeli art students”, actually Mossad assets, who were being prepositioned. INS put out a nationwide Bolo. Some were refused entry, some got thru. CIA was quiet. Whitehouse was quiet. This time, success.

emet PRO 1 point ago +1 / -0

Both Israel and the Johnson administration cooperated in suppressing the facts. The items that the Whitehouse were concerned about the public learning:

  1. The US was supposedly a neutral in the 6 Day War, but the Johnson administration was secretly helping Israel against the Arabs/Russia. For example, U2 flights identified the location of Egyptian aircraft so the IDF could destroy them on the ground.

  2. Sec Defense McNamara had foolishly removed Liberty from Navy control and placed it under the command of the JCS, even removing its normal escort, making it a vulnerable target.

  3. Sec Defense McNamara recalled the rescue aircraft, leaving our sailors to die.

emet PRO 1 point ago +1 / -0

Of possible occult interest, the knife that John Ramsey (one of James’ catamites) plunged into the neck of the younger Ruthven brother on James’ order, was the very weapon that was used 10 years later to assassinate Henry IV of France (query Ravillac knife for pic). What are the odds? Especially if you consider that the Ruthven family ruled Scotland for a year.

Could this coincidence have a connection to James’ book on witchcraft (Daemonology)? Or his keen interest in the subject? Btw James attended the North Berwick Witch Trials, where (if I recall correctly) about 200 suspected witches confessed and were executed.

Confessions were apparently promptly obtained once the “boot” was brought over from Stirling. Yes cruel, but this device was replaced by the gentler “thumbkins”, a Russian invention I believe, that could be used on small subjects, such as children.

emet PRO 6 points ago +6 / -0

Of all the Scottish/English kings, James I was arguably the most evil and degenerate. And there are serious contenders for this title.

Although James produced offspring, most of his attention was focussed on his “gentlemen of the bedchamber”. Of course, they needed gifts, so he simply seized property and gave it to his catamites.

When criticized for his homosexual relationship with a particular noble, he compared their love to that of Jesus and John.

He successfully covered up his murder of the Ruthven brothers at Gowrie by enlisting the clergy to spread lies about it from the pulpit. The one pastor who refused was locked up in Inverness Castle fir 15 years. Still today, wikipedia yet calls it the Gowrie Conspiracy, as do many sources, implying it was an assassination attempt. You can read James’ deposition on the matter in Ancient Criminal Trials of Scotland.

And don’t get me started in his witch hunts.

Was James’ father actually Lord Darnley? Perhaps not. The Italian musician Rizzio was fucking both Darnley and Mary, the queen. A group of nobles finally had enough and killed him at Holyrood House.

emet PRO 3 points ago +3 / -0

If Taiwan was worried, they should not have permitted their wealthy citizens to provide massive investment and technical expertise to the PRC. beginning in the late 70s.

They built the golem they now face.

And there us a huge 5th column on Taiwan, carefully constructed over five decades.

emet PRO 2 points ago +2 / -0

On a December afternoon she out the two toddlers in the back of the family station wagon, and held the infant on her lap. She proceeded down Limestone Road, and waited at the highway for a large truck. When an 18 wheeler loaded with hay came, she pulled directly in his path. He could not stop in time, and she and the baby were killed. The boys survived.

The media said she was returning from a trip to buy an Xmas tree. But there was no tree at the scene of the accident. So the papers said she was going shopping for a tree. But who takes two toddlers and an infant shopping for anything?

The investigation was handled by the Delaware AGs office. The Deputy AG was Joe’s neighbor. The AGs office does not investigate traffic fatalities. But they did this time.

Joe repeatedly accused the trucker of being drunk. He was not.

I have only seen two of the accident photos. There must have been many taken.

My opinion? Joe was molesting the children, so his wife killed herself and tried to take the kids with her. May God forgive her, she saw no other way out.

emet PRO 3 points ago +4 / -1

Banned me for criticizing Israel. Excuse me while I run and get my checkbook.

emet PRO 1 point ago +1 / -0

ATF wanted felony arrest stats, which are like tokens that can be exchanged for more funding. All of these people died because of stats. That was the motive. That is what drove this inept and ludicrous operation.

The FBI gets their stats in large part by claiming credit for STL (State and Local police) cases. And also by arresting military deserters, who are usually found at their parents house.

Stat wars. Believe it.

emet PRO 6 points ago +6 / -0

A close family member convicted of a felony will likely bring problems for his security clearance.

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