Long but interesting. Spoiler alert: it was Krakatoa that caused the dark ages. Skip a little more than half way to learn the historical implications and why.
Yes but I was jolly interested at the spider in the matchbox:
Tree rings, ice-cores etc. found the climate change anomaly and this went to Chemical proof of a volcano, and then consultation with volcano experts, but also consulted original Historical accounts. Sure, Fairly dry viewing. But then it gets really good:
Fall of Byzantine (Roman) Empire, Death of Arthur, Justinian (1st Bubonic) plague and the Mongolian migration/Pannonian Avar wars against the Rus https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pannonian_Avars
And the fall of Yemeni dam, which meant migration Nrothwards and the Rise of the Medina and Mohammedanism. The Muslims were certainly an apocalyptic faith, based on an end-of-the-world scenario.
I was also interested that the narrator finally said: Global cooling event. This is why I posted the link. We were all scared silly about Global Warming, and now, we see the truth - that the GC is waaay more dangerous.
1:22:42 - the Lancelot grail - which tells of half the villagers dead, crops failed, and a black landscape in what had been close to heaven before. When I read that as a child I thought it was symbolic, as part of a general expression of mourning for dead King Arthur, like a psychological addendum to the ending to the "main story of Arthur".
But now, I see it might have been a first-hand account and the main event.
Thank you for posting this. It’s a great video I would have happened to have come across. Now I did. The more we can show the Norms that this is how earth works the better. It’s crazy to me to go from the conspiracy of 100 percent of matter cooling and that is how life was created (‘modern science) to a couple degrees hotter or colder, might kill some humans, but won’t end life. Most likely some life will be more bountiful. Same reason we put more c02 into greenhouses to make larger vegetables for the vegans to eat. Seems like they are just missing some processed c02.
Long but interesting. Spoiler alert: it was Krakatoa that caused the dark ages. Skip a little more than half way to learn the historical implications and why.
Yes but I was jolly interested at the spider in the matchbox:
Tree rings, ice-cores etc. found the climate change anomaly and this went to Chemical proof of a volcano, and then consultation with volcano experts, but also consulted original Historical accounts. Sure, Fairly dry viewing. But then it gets really good:
Fall of Byzantine (Roman) Empire, Death of Arthur, Justinian (1st Bubonic) plague and the Mongolian migration/Pannonian Avar wars against the Rus https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pannonian_Avars
And also, the collapse of the Teotihuacan civilization. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teotihuacan
And the fall of Yemeni dam, which meant migration Nrothwards and the Rise of the Medina and Mohammedanism. The Muslims were certainly an apocalyptic faith, based on an end-of-the-world scenario.
I was also interested that the narrator finally said: Global cooling event. This is why I posted the link. We were all scared silly about Global Warming, and now, we see the truth - that the GC is waaay more dangerous. 1:22:42 - the Lancelot grail - which tells of half the villagers dead, crops failed, and a black landscape in what had been close to heaven before. When I read that as a child I thought it was symbolic, as part of a general expression of mourning for dead King Arthur, like a psychological addendum to the ending to the "main story of Arthur".
But now, I see it might have been a first-hand account and the main event.
Didn't Trump correct them when they were crying about "global warming" and he said it was bs... it's going to get colder? Remember that?
Thank you for posting this. It’s a great video I would have happened to have come across. Now I did. The more we can show the Norms that this is how earth works the better. It’s crazy to me to go from the conspiracy of 100 percent of matter cooling and that is how life was created (‘modern science) to a couple degrees hotter or colder, might kill some humans, but won’t end life. Most likely some life will be more bountiful. Same reason we put more c02 into greenhouses to make larger vegetables for the vegans to eat. Seems like they are just missing some processed c02.
How do we even know these “experts” were truthful? Just like scientists today, it can be bent to fit their agenda.