You should probably keep the ones who may be obviously useful. Like those who got in young and have gotten some useful education already from your institutions. Just make them pay for what they have gotten already. Higher taxes? And make them wait for longer than the legal immigrants need to before they can apply for citizenship, and that timer only starts when it is found out that they are illegals, not when they first got in, even if they have been in most of their lives.
And with those cases: any crime they commit before they get that citizenship will get them deported immediately. Drive under the influence even once, and bye bye.
Maybe also give the less obviously useful ones some time and some way to prove they can be useful enough to be allowed to stay, those ones whose only crime is that they got into the country illegally, as you will be very damn busy for quite a while finding all the ones who are only eating resources, not giving anything. Besides, if they had that potential deportation down the road, or if staying something unpleasant like higher taxes hanging over their heads, a lot might leave voluntarily. And while waiting for that, make hiring them less useful for employers, at least hiring them when it would be easy to figure they are illegals.
Concentrate first on finding and getting rid of the ones who have been committing crimes or are terrorist sleepers and so on, no sense to waste time and resources kicking out the mostly harmless cases before those have been dealt with. But scare the others with what is probably waiting for them if they stay.
You should probably keep the ones who may be obviously useful. Like those who got in young and have gotten some useful education already from your institutions. Just make them pay for what they have gotten already. Higher taxes? And make them wait for longer than the legal immigrants need to before they can apply for citizenship, and that timer only starts when it is found out that they are illegals, not when they first got in, even if they have been in most of their lives.
And with those cases: any crime they commit before they get that citizenship will get them deported immediately. Drive under the influence even once, and bye bye.
Maybe also give the less obviously useful ones some time and some way to prove they can be useful enough to be allowed to stay, those ones whose only crime is that they got into the country illegally, as you will be very damn busy for quite a while finding all the ones who are only eating resources, not giving anything. Besides, if they had that potential deportation down the road, or if staying something unpleasant like higher taxes hanging over their heads, a lot might leave voluntarily. And while waiting for that, make hiring them less useful for employers, at least hiring them when it would be easy to figure they are illegals.
Concentrate first on finding and getting rid of the ones who have been committing crimes or are terrorist sleepers and so on, no sense to waste time and resources kicking out the mostly harmless cases before those have been dealt with. But scare the others with what is probably waiting for them if they stay.
Ron Paul said something similar around 2011. He said America should create a 2nd class citizen.
Basically like the daily commuters from Tijuana that come up to work in the USA and then go home. They will be card carrying 2nd class citizens.
No they need to go.