They are all playing pretend for money, fame and positional power. The problem lies when the game of pretend is over and their gold and fame are still in the land of the living and they cannot reach them
There is truth in the scriptures and anyone can read it for themselves with a discerning heart, sadly the Catholic Church has led so many from Christianity posing as a false religion in the way of people seeking truth.
Protestants remain so ignorant. How can you dismiss the 2,000 year old Church that was established by Jesus & his apostles? The church that GAVE you that bible, you claim to follow?
There's a reason why Freemasons have been at war with the Catholic church for 300 years. There's a reason why Freemasons aren't worried about the Pro Zionist Protestants that are patiently waiting just to be rapture to out of this place... the devil isn't worried about Protestants, he's already got you guys
Fighting on his side against the TRUE church.
What do you propose Catholics do to reestablish control of their church? I think we agree that it's been infiltrated for a long time now. Should Catholics ban together and make Vigano their own antipope?
I think its a start. Prots & Faithful Catholics should unite (its happened before, Battle of Vienna, 1638).
Catholics & Protestants are on the same team ultimately, I think we need to callout FREEMASON's who have infiltrated everything or in some cases, began their own Prot denominations (Mormans).
We need to also call out the Jews that control the Masons & use them as proxies. We should be encouraging our friends & family involved in Masonry to come out of Babylon... but yeah, Christians need to unite against secret socieities.
Christ gave us the faith, his apostles wrote it down and we read it because of our Protestant Martyrs mass printed them all the while your popes were sucking little boys penises.
Is that why you're fagging for your 'holy father" because he sucked yours and you liked it
They are all playing pretend for money, fame and positional power. The problem lies when the game of pretend is over and their gold and fame are still in the land of the living and they cannot reach them
There is truth in the scriptures and anyone can read it for themselves with a discerning heart, sadly the Catholic Church has led so many from Christianity posing as a false religion in the way of people seeking truth.
Protestants remain so ignorant. How can you dismiss the 2,000 year old Church that was established by Jesus & his apostles? The church that GAVE you that bible, you claim to follow?
There's a reason why Freemasons have been at war with the Catholic church for 300 years. There's a reason why Freemasons aren't worried about the Pro Zionist Protestants that are patiently waiting just to be rapture to out of this place... the devil isn't worried about Protestants, he's already got you guys Fighting on his side against the TRUE church.
I do subscribe that Jesus Christ built His church and that church, the church of Christ is found in scripture but it is not the Catholic Church
What do you propose Catholics do to reestablish control of their church? I think we agree that it's been infiltrated for a long time now. Should Catholics ban together and make Vigano their own antipope?
I think its a start. Prots & Faithful Catholics should unite (its happened before, Battle of Vienna, 1638).
Catholics & Protestants are on the same team ultimately, I think we need to callout FREEMASON's who have infiltrated everything or in some cases, began their own Prot denominations (Mormans).
We need to also call out the Jews that control the Masons & use them as proxies. We should be encouraging our friends & family involved in Masonry to come out of Babylon... but yeah, Christians need to unite against secret socieities.
Christ gave us the faith, his apostles wrote it down and we read it because of our Protestant Martyrs mass printed them all the while your popes were sucking little boys penises.
Is that why you're fagging for your 'holy father" because he sucked yours and you liked it
You're a filthy person & you call yourself "Christian"? What a joke.
Your "bible" has words added to it & is missing seven books.
Which one of the 45,000 prot churches do you belong to? When was your church established?
The church of Christ (Rom 16:16) Founded on the Day of Pentecost Acts 2 in AD 33.
When Christ died on the cross for my sins.
Now satan runs your church do you serve him now? How are you going to Christ's kingdom?