Yeah, that noise in that video is pretty much the same noises that people been hearing on and off around the world for years now.. almost exactly what was on that video. Saying that, could be fake and they using the noise that others have recorded more recently when showing you what they are hearing. IDK.
Could that also be the trumpet sounds that some have heard…
Yeah, that noise in that video is pretty much the same noises that people been hearing on and off around the world for years now.. almost exactly what was on that video. Saying that, could be fake and they using the noise that others have recorded more recently when showing you what they are hearing. IDK.
Interesting none the less. Hope its being used for good and not bad but not holding my breathe.
Don't think this account is legit
He is a total conspiracy theroizer.
I imagine that killed any fish in that water.
Isn’t this what the vaxx does when exposed to frequencies?
I wonder if would like boil your blood?
"Then I saw the heavens roll back like a scroll"....the firmament ( water) about to be revealed ?
Now, remember that humans consist of over 60% water. What could this mean for us???????
Well, that just makes my blood boil.
Are they still under orders to sanitize the water in DC? Did some of it leak?
Boil water notice. ;-)
Surf’s up, dude!
Sky quakes, the mysteries been solved. What have they been doing with this? The tsunami that hit Thailand all those years ago? wtf was that?
Which lake in Alaska?