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In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
Yep, Hooky supported the Brexit movement if memory serves me.
Oh for sure, yeah I knew you meant the OG scene. I'd be so bold to say several song lyrics and themes from Black Flag, Circle Jerks, Dead Kennedys, Bad Brains, Bad Religion, and others apply perfectly to the anti DS/NWO populist movement.
Which isn't entirely ironic. People like Biafra or Rollins have always been classical liberal or libertarian... both of which by today's clownworld zeitgeist have been redefined in part to align conservative & patriotic.
It's certainly an interesting phenomenon to say the least. I've been observing it IRL & online since the clownworld forces co-opted the various underground music scenes appx 15 years ago. The hipster movement that penetrated everything back then is the same group of nutjobs we see screeching the loudest online and driving all kinds of globohomo zombie lunacy in a variety of alternative scenes, not just music. Shit come to think of it, the whole timeline involves the same crowd and GamerGate as well. Same players, slow timeline of them taking over various cultural pockets in order to perpetuate indoctrination and further redefine established definitions and accepted norms.
So basically, I'm saying that I am surprised that there are no modern-day punk bands standing up to the shitlib, warmongering, globohomo establishment. I saw a video that Paul Joseph Watson did a bit ago showing some faggot in a dress, singing about how he hates God or something. That's not punk. Green Day isn't punk either, kissing Soros's ass and all. Punk isn't about being passive and whining; it's supposed to be assertive and aggressive.
And since we live in an online age, it's not like there could be some band out there somewhere, playing in some bar and nobody knows about them. The net can make people instantly famous through going viral. I really appreciate that "Michelle Obama Is a Man" song. That was really great, and my daughter and I were laughing at that song this morning.
You're right! There needs to be a revival within the scenes. Something akin to what Austin has done for comedy and fighting the cancel culture. As for Green Day and others... dude they're simply an establishment band. You see it with every genre. There's radio play punk... which is still punk music (barely sometimes), but only in that sense when compared to the thousands of "real" punk bands. Gimme The Effigies or Big Black any day of the week over Blink 182 or any other sucky cosmopolitan propaganda radio play band!
I listened to your link earlier. It's solid stuff and well made! I liked it! However, a bit too clean or produced sounding for my own style, but that's just me. The lyrical message is what matters.
I'd love to get involved in the creation of a new anti-woke punk band! It's the anon thing to do, plus it would either be successful or fun, or both!
When I was in college, my friend and I toyed with the idea of a ska band called Dick Tater Tots. Nothing ever came of it... mostly because neither of us could play any instrument worth a darn or have any talent.
I would spend time in college with my bass guitar, trying to teach myself Joy Division and New Order basslines. Back in the '90s there were guitar tab websites and FTP sites, but were constantly under attack with copyright C&D complaints by music companies.