175 Kamala wants this kid banned from social media because his T-shirt says BLM stands for “Biden Loves Minors” (twitter.com) posted 247 days ago by lovecymru 247 days ago by lovecymru +178 / -3 30 comments share 30 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Come on, anons. If it's true, link the Kamala post.
This is easy to spot bait. Her social media team called a kid "twerp"? During election year?
(I gleefully await the "I told you so" link to Kamala's post because I'd love it if I was wrong and this was true.)
Good shirt though.
It's 100% fake.
I would almost believe that she called a kid a twerp, except I don't think I've heard twerp in years.
But maybe that shows how low my opinion of her is.