posted ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS +26 / -2

The CNN debate was AI generated.

If was designed to make Joe Biden look old and frail and probably not gonna get any younger.

on debate night, i was searching twitter X for CNN AI and there was a whole lot of people tweeting about it. and they broke it down pretty well. Every little detail.


The Trump Assassination Attempt

Has all the hallmarks of a fake news story

  1. SS inexplicably left obvious snipers nest open?

  2. “witnesses” (crisis actors) claim they saw sniper get on roof, alerted police, who did nothing to respond

  3. supposedly SS had good sniper in place to snipe the bad sniper, but good sniper was possibly told to stand down until the bad sniper was able to take multiple shots at Trump

  4. everyone on X is saying its staged, but they all have different “conspiracy theories” about who is behind it.

  5. the bad sniper is supposedly registered republican, yet also made $15 donation to left-leaning thing.

  6. bad sniper is also maybe a jew, and the ADL AIPAC types are saying its anti-semitic to notice, and furthermore even if bad sniper is a jew, it shouldnt reflect badly on other jews.

Which kinda feels like an admission that maybe the bad sniper was jewish. Hmm…

  1. bad sniper was only 20 years old? Kinda young to be trusted to be the trigger-man on your hit job?

  2. bad sniper is dead. Conveniently.

Saves having to script all that pesky courtroom drama.

  1. the entire story makes no sense.

Bad sniper with seemingly no hard motive,

plans an attack on a Trump event that had only been announced 10ish days earlier.

Bad sniper notices a vulnerability in SS defenses, and is able to get himself and his rifle into position without being noticed by SS

Bad sniper is allowed to shoot his gun multiple times.


So what is the next staged event?

Attack on Joe Biden.

As “retaliation” for Trump attack.

Attacker will be a MAGA with an AR-15

Joe Biden goes out a hero.

Kamala Harris ascends to the Presidency

Hillary Clintons bung hole puckers.


I think we are being set up for a civil war.

They are gonna say these shootings were the cause of civil war.

The shot heard around the world indeed.

Do nof be fooled by these theatrics.


Here is a twitter X search link, that searches for a string of keywords like hoax, fake, staged, crisis actors

As you can see, theres new post every few seconds

LIVE: https://x.com/search?q=Trump%20JFK%20OR%20TrumpHoax%20OR%20hoax%20OR%20fake%20OR%20psyop%20OR%20crisis%20OR%20actor%20OR%20staged%20&src=typed_query&f=live

Last time i posted about assassination attempt being a hoax, i got a lot of angry pushback by people offended by the thought of me suggesting that Trump himself is involved.

Well, Trump is certainly “involved” in some way or another.

We just don’t know the full extent

Never attatch your future to any one man.

Trump has 4 years as POTUS left.

And then what?

We don’t have many heros to take his place.

We are “in between” pandemics.

And we cant let oursleves get too distracted by individuals,

And instead keep our eyes on the bigger picture of what they have done

We need accountability from Fauci et al, NIH, CDC, DoD, WHO, UN, WEF etc

Do you know how WW1 was started?


The assassination of franz ferdinand


Except the story of his assassination is its own rabbit hole.

Supposedly Ferdinand is being driven to a place where he will give a speech, and there are several assassins along the route, for backup redundancy

is that redundant?

First assassin gets scared, chickens out.

Second assassin throws grenade into Ferdinans open-top car. The grenade bounces off the seat, and back out of the car.

Ferdinand shakes it off. Gives his speech…

On the way back, the traffick is re-routed so Ferdinand’s car takes an un-planned de-tour

Ferdinand’s car stops outside a coffeeshop, where an assassin just happens to be inside. Assassin runs outside and shoots Ferdinand.

And then we had World War 1