The "death photo" really bothers me... but for a whole different reason.
The "death photo" shows 2 Policemen, 2 Special Operations officers on the roof surrounding the gunman, along with at least 1 Photographer. What happened to NOT contaminating a crime scene? It would have taken 1 officer to verify that the suspect was dead from sniper shots to his head. Then, they would barricade the crime scene for full investigation.
Nowhere in the police manuals does it suggest having 4 officers standing over the suspect, touching things bare handed (notice that none of the four are wearing gloves). Did they climb the same ladder to the roof (same one that had the suspect's fingerprints all over it... before four ungloved policemen climbed up there)?
Why would a photo of the shooter and the crime scene be made public, or even be allowed to be taken, prior to a thorough search for evidence (which may have implicated accomplices)? So 5 people are allowed to wander around a major crime scene, along with whatever contaminants they had on their shoes or clothing at the time?
Another bother is that same building roof was a staging area for the police who kept elevated surveillance of the crowd. Apparently, the police had moved to a different area of the building (inexplicably) and nobody knows where they were at the time of incident. The shooter didn't have to bring his own ladder. The ladder was left in place for easy roof access. How can a building roof be a staging area for police surveillance... and yet they didn't consider needing to keep a full time officer up there during Trump's speech?
For reference... I give you the Capitol Building shooting on Jan. 6th.
Ashli Babbitt was supposedly fatally shot in a main hallway (or rotunda) of the Capitol Building. Almost immediately afterward, what happened? Her body was removed quickly, nothing was crime scene taped, and a JANITOR came in and mopped up the blood. The hallway was back in active service within an hour.
This was a murder scene... and yet it was contaminated by dozens of people, body moved and evidence erased just as quickly as possible.
Sounds a lot like what happened here. Any time I see police or feds intentionally contaminating a crime scene right after a major incident... it's not stupidity or unintentional... but tells me that they may have been involved.
The shooter didn't have to bring his own ladder. The ladder was left in place [by police] for easy roof access [for police].
OK ... WTF???
How would a guy bring a rifle to an event like this, and NOT have his own method of accessing the roof?
Was he just going to walk through the crowd, with rifle, and then take a shot; but what luck! Lookie ... there's a ladder to that roof, and that would be a great place to be.
I had assumed there was a ladder fixed to the side of the building and he scouted it out before. (I have not looked into this very much.)
This factoid by itself makes the "official story" sound very sus.
I'm wondering where the hell he came from too. Where did he park and how was he able to sneak over there with a rifle without anyone seeing or any law enforcement seeing him?
He walked across an open field carrying the rifle but people did see him - police were told about "a guy with a rifle" for at least 3 minutes before he shot
was the ladder movable, or was it attached? I saw something the other day where someone said it hay be attached to the building, but they didn't know for sure.
The "death photo" really bothers me... but for a whole different reason.
The "death photo" shows 2 Policemen, 2 Special Operations officers on the roof surrounding the gunman, along with at least 1 Photographer. What happened to NOT contaminating a crime scene? It would have taken 1 officer to verify that the suspect was dead from sniper shots to his head. Then, they would barricade the crime scene for full investigation.
Nowhere in the police manuals does it suggest having 4 officers standing over the suspect, touching things bare handed (notice that none of the four are wearing gloves). Did they climb the same ladder to the roof (same one that had the suspect's fingerprints all over it... before four ungloved policemen climbed up there)?
Why would a photo of the shooter and the crime scene be made public, or even be allowed to be taken, prior to a thorough search for evidence (which may have implicated accomplices)? So 5 people are allowed to wander around a major crime scene, along with whatever contaminants they had on their shoes or clothing at the time?
Another bother is that same building roof was a staging area for the police who kept elevated surveillance of the crowd. Apparently, the police had moved to a different area of the building (inexplicably) and nobody knows where they were at the time of incident. The shooter didn't have to bring his own ladder. The ladder was left in place for easy roof access. How can a building roof be a staging area for police surveillance... and yet they didn't consider needing to keep a full time officer up there during Trump's speech?
For reference... I give you the Capitol Building shooting on Jan. 6th.
Ashli Babbitt was supposedly fatally shot in a main hallway (or rotunda) of the Capitol Building. Almost immediately afterward, what happened? Her body was removed quickly, nothing was crime scene taped, and a JANITOR came in and mopped up the blood. The hallway was back in active service within an hour.
This was a murder scene... and yet it was contaminated by dozens of people, body moved and evidence erased just as quickly as possible.
Sounds a lot like what happened here. Any time I see police or feds intentionally contaminating a crime scene right after a major incident... it's not stupidity or unintentional... but tells me that they may have been involved.
OK ... WTF???
How would a guy bring a rifle to an event like this, and NOT have his own method of accessing the roof?
Was he just going to walk through the crowd, with rifle, and then take a shot; but what luck! Lookie ... there's a ladder to that roof, and that would be a great place to be.
I had assumed there was a ladder fixed to the side of the building and he scouted it out before. (I have not looked into this very much.)
This factoid by itself makes the "official story" sound very sus.
I'm wondering where the hell he came from too. Where did he park and how was he able to sneak over there with a rifle without anyone seeing or any law enforcement seeing him?
He walked across an open field carrying the rifle but people did see him - police were told about "a guy with a rifle" for at least 3 minutes before he shot
was the ladder movable, or was it attached? I saw something the other day where someone said it hay be attached to the building, but they didn't know for sure.
No ladder like that should ever be left standing like that. Period
I thought the same thing and when has there ever been a photo published with the body still at 98 degrees and just started to cool down, all PLANNED