That is great and all, but, if you have the capacity to comprehend German, listen to it in German. A lot get' s lost in translation. Especially, the humor, which is a signal-point in itself.
Meaning and humor, disgust, desperation, the subtext so to speak, the man bigger than life, should be discovered by yourself. Not explained. So, your understanding, comprehension comes from you, not from books and the authority of other people. If curious, my recommendation is to learn German.
In a way, I think, we are now starting to comprehend the aura of divine intervention. It is easy to see why Russia holds these ideas sanctified when considering their own history. But isn't that also a thing what happened in Germany?
In many respects, it can be shown that many leaders act out a pattern, as old as man could think. Does that negate the idea of a special chosen group of people called elite with their old[sic] testament?
Try this one:
Difference and Repetition by Gilles Deleuze.
That is great and all, but, if you have the capacity to comprehend German, listen to it in German. A lot get' s lost in translation. Especially, the humor, which is a signal-point in itself.
What can you add that was lost? I am curious.
Meaning and humor, disgust, desperation, the subtext so to speak, the man bigger than life, should be discovered by yourself. Not explained. So, your understanding, comprehension comes from you, not from books and the authority of other people. If curious, my recommendation is to learn German.
In a way, I think, we are now starting to comprehend the aura of divine intervention. It is easy to see why Russia holds these ideas sanctified when considering their own history. But isn't that also a thing what happened in Germany?
In many respects, it can be shown that many leaders act out a pattern, as old as man could think. Does that negate the idea of a special chosen group of people called elite with their old[sic] testament?
Try this one: Difference and Repetition by Gilles Deleuze.
Thank you.