Mods? Could you please sticky a J13 thread so we can have an organized area of information to research or add to? More information is coming in fast and need a central hub.
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
I am looking into videos last week of Dems being asked about Biden. Manchin said “let’s wait and see what this weekend brings.” And “let’s see next week.” I heard Pelosi say this and am trying to find the video.
FBI can’t find a motive.
Being intellectually honest about this statement, it really means evidence of the motive. It sounds so stupid because the motive seems obvious in light of the rhetoric of the left. However, other possible motives could be he was paid to do it, blackmailed, brainwashed, MK Ultra'd, personally aggrieved by Trump real or perceived, etc.., all just as possible as the obvious "Was radicalized by leftist talking points about Trump".
So if we just pretend for a minute the FBI is competent and honestly investigating then it's actually not that dumb to say they don't have a motive yet..
But yeah I don't trust them, and highly doubt this will be investigated properly.
I mean; I think what they mean by that is there's no concrete & specific evidence of a motive. i.e.; did he hate Trump because of a particular issue? Does he truly think Trumps' tweets are too mean (not joking) etc?
I think that's what's meant.
FBIFIBWe know who was REALLY behind it.
......and there's a Wikileaks database with terabytes worth of motive.