Look, I've been on Q and Trump's side for years. I'm a Christian. I've been on to the illuminati/freemason satanic game since 2010. I'm no shill. This shit doesn't sit right with me. The Trump photo op there said it all for me. Staged as fuck. I don't believe any bullet skimmed trump's face at all. Everyone is being played. I'm shocked the people on this board going along with this obvious crap. For years I thought you all were better than this. This is a spiritual war. Stop worshipping a man. Praise Jesus amen.
Man. Lotta downvotes... feel for ya bro. I'll give you one updoot for bravery. Unfortunately free thinking isn't so popular here any more. You're not supposed to question the narrative, doncha know. Makes you wonder though, don't it? What happened to this place?
It's A possible narrative. One amongst many. Discernment is necessary to ferret out the right one (best fit to reality), which requires being able to dispationately simultaneously consider many possible scenarios, or narratives (models) as you say.
From what I can observe it's falling into the same zone as Biden's cognitive health; the liberal establishment is not promoting a "staged" narrative, but the liberal base fervently believes it.
Rather hilariously, the liberal establishment narrative seems to encompass the least probable interpretation of the facts imaginable: that a far-right Trump supporter shot Trump due to his violent rhetoric, and that the Secret Service did their job effectively.
trump has decades of experience with scripted violence and produced reality tv. Zelinsky is an ex-actor... trudeau is an ex actor.... and biden is an mkultra husk they are parading out like weekend at bernie's. None of this is organic. it's a movie you guys... take comfort in prayer, have faith.
spoiler.. GOD WINS
Agree that it was staged. They moved the camera crew so they wouldn't see the blood packet being applied.
Trump has had probably hundreds of events now. They didn't magically get sloppy and line up a bunch of top tier Q proofs for no reason (6:11, red carpet, Emmys, shot heard round the world). They're letting us know it was staged and part of the Awakening.
This event has created millions of unwitting liberal conspiracy theorists. It'll make their minds vastly more pliable to have to challenge a narrative. It'll also make them more receptive to the fakery of other news events.
The leftists have been trying to seed this narrative since the moment it happened and therefore I deeply question the integrity of people who are arguing on their behalf.
This would be impossible to pull off without something breaking somewhere unless every single person was a crisis actor, which is opening yourself up to a 1.5B lawsuit on Texas.
People don't get it at this point still.
Moves and countermoves. There are no countermoves unless the other side is still in play.
I don't know about Texas being involved, but I'm still trying to understand what the theory is behind saying "Q and Trump staged this."
Are they saying "Nobody got shot on the 13th, Trump is fine, the blood smeared all over the stands and the furious CPR were all fake, Corey is fine, he just stayed perfectly limp while being carried from the stands, and his wife and daughter are in on the plot?"
Or are they saying "Q and Trump staged an event where it would LOOK like Trump was shot when he's not; Corey being killed and two others injured are just acceptable casualties of war; and the Director of the Secret Service was in on the plot"?
Because both of those strike me as more or less equally batshit bonkers conspiracy theories. Also there could be a third theory that may be less batshit bonkers, and they just aren't able to articulate it cogently, I don't know.
You think the Jones lawsuit was not white-hat orchestrated?
A suit that should have been scuttled for obvious 1st amendment reasons makes it all the way to sentencing on Mossad's top controlled-opposition press entity, on the very narrative that undermines their entire gun control agenda if exposed (Sandy Hook shooting)?
And to be clear: I'm not claiming 100% certainty on this matter. Just running the probabilities of the facts:
Solid Q proofs lining up with the event showing predictive qualities (Emmys, red carpet, 6:11, fight/fight/fight, shot heard round the world).
SS shuffling the camera crew to an angle where they would be unable to view the grazing shot.
Improbability of Trump's security spectacularly failing in so many respects on one day after such a long history of high performance.
That this event perfectly reverses the roles we normally play (liberals become conspiracy theorists, conservatives & conspiracy theorists trust the official story). This will lead to some fantastic and unifying discussions in the coming months.
Q post indicating this event would be the justification to clean out the three letter agencies, followed by swift congressional action in just that form. #1829 if you're curious.
The way the event let all the air out of the Hitler rhetoric that the left was engaging in, which happened to be their entire electoral argument.
So yeah, just a theory. But most seem to be inclined to go with divine bullet intervention, and I don't blame them because it certainly makes for a great story so why not? I just can't help being my frosty, probabilistic self about the whole thing.
I think it’s likely the Q team knew the deep state was planning an assassination this day, and may have even helped bottleneck the deep state into this one event by feigning lax security. Except the Q team replaced the patsy with their own shooter, and carried out a white-hat false flag that used blanks, actors in the crowd behind Trump, and blood packets. This theory would explain why everything seems so off about the event, and why the MSM is spreading “false flag” suggestions - because they know themselves that Q team flipped their script. Still formulating this idea but it’s the only logical one that matches up with “you are watching a movie” and “POTUS is 100% insulated.”
Edit - how infuriated would the deep state be watching Trump walk around with a big bandage, knowing he never really got shot. Top kek.
"This event has created millions of unwitting liberal conspiracy theorists. It'll make their minds vastly more pliable to have to challenge a narrative. It'll also make them more receptive to the fakery of other news events."
This actually make sense and when trying to come up with reasons why the
WH MIGHT do something like this, I had considered this angle.
If there were no shots and it was staged then why?
"I caught them all", he has their playbook, "future proves past' come to mind, and specifically 'you have to show them'
Many assassination attempts have already been tried in Trump. Zero coverage because no one would believe him, they didn't believe their black jesus spied on his campaign...
If it wasn't real, it's a depiction of a true event or a planned one.
My guess for the purpose of discussing the No shot fired theory. Maybe this entire episode will follow the path of what REALLY happened to JFK. A very complex web of deceit & deception and mind control ops. Reading a bunch of classified documents much will be misse d or misinterpreted-- they were COVERING UP all the details so even the classified docs will be coded and misleading.
You have to SHOW them.
PDJT welcomed his son Barron by saying 'welcome to the scene'.
Looking at stuff from all angles without emotion is what we do, the down voters don't understand this.
Look at the cognitive dissonance people went through when you brought up 911 being an inside job, or had questions about Sandy Hook... How can you tell people the story and the level of corruption in a way it's clear and understandable? Just like this, everything is being explained to us in a way we can SEE.
Trump Q staged all of this. How do we all feel about that?
Look, I've been on Q and Trump's side for years. I'm a Christian. I've been on to the illuminati/freemason satanic game since 2010. I'm no shill. This shit doesn't sit right with me. The Trump photo op there said it all for me. Staged as fuck. I don't believe any bullet skimmed trump's face at all. Everyone is being played. I'm shocked the people on this board going along with this obvious crap. For years I thought you all were better than this. This is a spiritual war. Stop worshipping a man. Praise Jesus amen.
I think you should put down the crack pipe.
Man. Lotta downvotes... feel for ya bro. I'll give you one updoot for bravery. Unfortunately free thinking isn't so popular here any more. You're not supposed to question the narrative, doncha know. Makes you wonder though, don't it? What happened to this place?
Being staged IS the narrative.
It's A possible narrative. One amongst many. Discernment is necessary to ferret out the right one (best fit to reality), which requires being able to dispationately simultaneously consider many possible scenarios, or narratives (models) as you say.
But is it wrong? And is it really?
From what I can observe it's falling into the same zone as Biden's cognitive health; the liberal establishment is not promoting a "staged" narrative, but the liberal base fervently believes it.
Rather hilariously, the liberal establishment narrative seems to encompass the least probable interpretation of the facts imaginable: that a far-right Trump supporter shot Trump due to his violent rhetoric, and that the Secret Service did their job effectively.
Ya, it's shocking. I thought this place would know better. All these supposed free thinkers and barely any see this for what it is.
trump has decades of experience with scripted violence and produced reality tv. Zelinsky is an ex-actor... trudeau is an ex actor.... and biden is an mkultra husk they are parading out like weekend at bernie's. None of this is organic. it's a movie you guys... take comfort in prayer, have faith. spoiler.. GOD WINS
Q even mentioned great actors being a ley to all of this: https://qalerts.app/?q=Great+actors
God is very real.
This other link also indicates camera crew being moved from behind Trump.
Agree that it was staged. They moved the camera crew so they wouldn't see the blood packet being applied.
Trump has had probably hundreds of events now. They didn't magically get sloppy and line up a bunch of top tier Q proofs for no reason (6:11, red carpet, Emmys, shot heard round the world). They're letting us know it was staged and part of the Awakening.
This event has created millions of unwitting liberal conspiracy theorists. It'll make their minds vastly more pliable to have to challenge a narrative. It'll also make them more receptive to the fakery of other news events.
Nobody got shot at all, is that the theory
The leftists have been trying to seed this narrative since the moment it happened and therefore I deeply question the integrity of people who are arguing on their behalf.
This would be impossible to pull off without something breaking somewhere unless every single person was a crisis actor, which is opening yourself up to a 1.5B lawsuit on Texas.
People don't get it at this point still.
Moves and countermoves. There are no countermoves unless the other side is still in play.
I don't know about Texas being involved, but I'm still trying to understand what the theory is behind saying "Q and Trump staged this."
Are they saying "Nobody got shot on the 13th, Trump is fine, the blood smeared all over the stands and the furious CPR were all fake, Corey is fine, he just stayed perfectly limp while being carried from the stands, and his wife and daughter are in on the plot?"
Or are they saying "Q and Trump staged an event where it would LOOK like Trump was shot when he's not; Corey being killed and two others injured are just acceptable casualties of war; and the Director of the Secret Service was in on the plot"?
Because both of those strike me as more or less equally batshit bonkers conspiracy theories. Also there could be a third theory that may be less batshit bonkers, and they just aren't able to articulate it cogently, I don't know.
....questioning events is NOT the same as aruging on the behalf of leftists.
No reason to question a person's integrity for simply trying to make sense of things that appear odd.
You think the Jones lawsuit was not white-hat orchestrated?
A suit that should have been scuttled for obvious 1st amendment reasons makes it all the way to sentencing on Mossad's top controlled-opposition press entity, on the very narrative that undermines their entire gun control agenda if exposed (Sandy Hook shooting)?
It's one possibility. I think Trump is the most likely to have not been shot at all.
I'm seeing some secondary angles which seem to indicate a possible second shooter.
And to be clear: I'm not claiming 100% certainty on this matter. Just running the probabilities of the facts:
Solid Q proofs lining up with the event showing predictive qualities (Emmys, red carpet, 6:11, fight/fight/fight, shot heard round the world).
SS shuffling the camera crew to an angle where they would be unable to view the grazing shot.
Improbability of Trump's security spectacularly failing in so many respects on one day after such a long history of high performance.
That this event perfectly reverses the roles we normally play (liberals become conspiracy theorists, conservatives & conspiracy theorists trust the official story). This will lead to some fantastic and unifying discussions in the coming months.
Q post indicating this event would be the justification to clean out the three letter agencies, followed by swift congressional action in just that form. #1829 if you're curious.
The way the event let all the air out of the Hitler rhetoric that the left was engaging in, which happened to be their entire electoral argument.
So yeah, just a theory. But most seem to be inclined to go with divine bullet intervention, and I don't blame them because it certainly makes for a great story so why not? I just can't help being my frosty, probabilistic self about the whole thing.
I think it’s likely the Q team knew the deep state was planning an assassination this day, and may have even helped bottleneck the deep state into this one event by feigning lax security. Except the Q team replaced the patsy with their own shooter, and carried out a white-hat false flag that used blanks, actors in the crowd behind Trump, and blood packets. This theory would explain why everything seems so off about the event, and why the MSM is spreading “false flag” suggestions - because they know themselves that Q team flipped their script. Still formulating this idea but it’s the only logical one that matches up with “you are watching a movie” and “POTUS is 100% insulated.”
Edit - how infuriated would the deep state be watching Trump walk around with a big bandage, knowing he never really got shot. Top kek.
what about Corey
Maybe there’s divine prophecy involved in the Q posts?
"This event has created millions of unwitting liberal conspiracy theorists. It'll make their minds vastly more pliable to have to challenge a narrative. It'll also make them more receptive to the fakery of other news events."
This actually make sense and when trying to come up with reasons why the WH MIGHT do something like this, I had considered this angle.
If there were no shots and it was staged then why?
"I caught them all", he has their playbook, "future proves past' come to mind, and specifically 'you have to show them'
Many assassination attempts have already been tried in Trump. Zero coverage because no one would believe him, they didn't believe their black jesus spied on his campaign...
If it wasn't real, it's a depiction of a true event or a planned one.
My guess for the purpose of discussing the No shot fired theory. Maybe this entire episode will follow the path of what REALLY happened to JFK. A very complex web of deceit & deception and mind control ops. Reading a bunch of classified documents much will be misse d or misinterpreted-- they were COVERING UP all the details so even the classified docs will be coded and misleading.
You have to SHOW them.
PDJT welcomed his son Barron by saying 'welcome to the scene'.
Looking at stuff from all angles without emotion is what we do, the down voters don't understand this.
Look at the cognitive dissonance people went through when you brought up 911 being an inside job, or had questions about Sandy Hook... How can you tell people the story and the level of corruption in a way it's clear and understandable? Just like this, everything is being explained to us in a way we can SEE.
Now that's a frosty snausage!
Yeah My sister thinks I'm nuts too 😂❤️
I like your take. How is everyone on here fooled though? Look at all my down votes and negative comments. It's hilarious. Shocking really.
Down-votes = emotive thinking or programmed reactions.
Ya, this is so bizarre to me. We shouldn't be fooled like this.