Theory: Assassination Optics for VP 🤔💭 Theory 😲💡
posted ago by bubble_bursts ago by bubble_bursts +16 / -1


Everything and I mean everything bad thats happening over the past 4 years has been Cabal puppets doing their thing while the WHs making sure from the shadows that they they are rushed into making mistakes and exposing themselves while at the same time ensuring that they dont cross a threshold. They do this by erecting guardrails. We saw the guardrails in everything from impeachments, OWS, convictions, etc. Each time Cabal thinks they are winning, but they never get what they really want and yet end up exposing themselves.

The reason for all this multiple:

  1. Catch every bit and piece operator of the Cabal, and their machinery

  2. Diffuse every last possible Chess move the enemy has

  3. Expose their actions to the public and cause Great Awakening while ensuring minimal casualty

  4. Finetune the timing so that everything is lined up for precipice.

Only at the precipice can the full disclosure happen, for maximum impact that allows the humanity to wake up.

This also ensures that WHs did not have a direct hand in any crimes, and the Cabal puppets are forced to reenact all the crimes that have been committing over the decades, but this time with proof.

Importance of the VP

Lets assume that Trump picks the best VP candidate - one who is fiercely independent, and proven in fire to be Cabal proof and a complete patriot - is it possible that the combined factions of the Cabal would allow this ticket to stand?

First, unless the VP is a controlled entity, Trump presidency will be absolutely untouchable. It will be assassination proof, it will be 25h proof, etc.

So no, they cannot afford for this ticket to stand. It would be one of their last redlines. They would destroy this VP with every trickery they have.

Secondly, this person he chooses will have the power to be the next Trump after Trump's 3rd term and will be the flag bearer for MAGA. People will know that they can trust this person as much as they have trusted Trump, and this means exposing a lot of things behind the scenes.

So exposing this VP before precipice would cause problems, because this kind of disclosure can only happen at the Precipice.

Precipice Timeline

Because of what I mentioned above, I have always said that the choosing of the VP will be a precipice inducing event. This has to align with everything else - WW3, Financial Collapse etc. The time is not yet right - that will be closer to the elections.

So we have a timeline problem. We can't play our hand wrt to the VP too early, while at the same time Cabal still has a few moves that have not been exhausted.

Assassination Optics

That brings us to the point of this post. Assassination is one of the few last cards the Cabal holds and that needs to be played out. It needs to be recorded, data collected, all the players involved tracked and all their techniques exhaustively charted, and that cannot happen unless they are actually allowed to go through with the assassination. Or at least an attempt.

So we have the Cabal ready to kill Trump to make sure he wont pick his real VP choice. At the same time, we have a timing problem - we dont want to play the VP card right away. How do you solve these problems together?

The next part is going to be hard for many people to accept and its understandable. Infact, the only way to understand it is to have the leap of faith - belief that this Movement does indeed have God's support behind it (and I don't mean it in an abstract way, but very realistic Higher power giving physical support in terms of technology etc)

So how do you let this Cabal's assassination plan go through while putting the guardrails to ensure Trump would be safe.

First, you have the faction(s) that wants to simply kill Trump. But there are also the faction(s) that wants to put a handler as Trump's VP and control his next turn that way - same as they did the first time.

You intercept the plan, and make sure its the second faction that carry out the plan. How do you ensure that there is no risk to him. Like I said, there definitely was a higher power behind this. And the end result - we have Trump coming within 17ms of death, but miraculously saved, but the assassination - very real - very quickly unravelling just like everything else the Cabal does.

You then ask skeptically - "So the guy really died? What kind of a plan is it?"

OWS was put as a guardrail to ensure vaxicide doesnt kill billions, but we still have many many people who died. All real people, real deaths, everyone of us know atleast a few who died - sacrificed their life for the Awakening. This is a trolley problem - you do nothing and allow billions to die or you intervene and ensure only a fraction of them die - the bare minimum necessary for Humanity to be Awakened and free.


So how does this Assassination Optics work? The first problem is solved. We have the assassination attempt - and I am sure the entire network and machinery behind it is well documented by now. The next part is the timing of the VP.

Trump will convince the Cabal puppets that he is so shaken that he changes the speech to focus on unity and chooses a candidate perfect for this.

Don't get me wrong - I think JD Vance is a great pick and will help bring a lot of folks at the far end of the spectrum over to us - but he has never been fire tested and there is absolutely no way to know he cannot be corrupted. Chances are, the Cabal is quite sure they have their hooks in him. Right now, to my untrained eyes, it feels like the Zionists have their hooks (AIPAC) AND the WEF crowd also has their hooks (the wife, the Hindu prayer, the lawfirm where Obamas worked, etc etc).

Does not matter - all the advantages of JDV will come flowing, but the WHs get the timing necessary to be able to unveil the real VP - I am guessing only at the precipice.

Whatever your feelings about the assassination and the VP choice, its important to know there is a bigger play, and things will only become clear as we get closer to the precipice.