LMAO at the ‘Live’ and ‘Love’ horseshit in the photo. She seems to love and live hate.
The article mentions that her business has not been impacted. Perhaps Linda will have more time on her hands in a few weeks when her patrons find out she’s a piece of scum.
Check out all the comments under all her FB posts, and she wrote this post on 7/14...
To all who hate me, and are commenting in messenger, I haven't even looked at this page in a good long while. So your comments aren't hurting me or my business any. But if you feel the need...
That lady has the quintessential look all leftist older ladies have. I can spot them a mile away. I'm not being disrespectful. Most of them like how they look.
Did you know that one can use fastpeoplesearch and type in someone's name and location and get all sorts of info about them, like address, phone and email?
Linda is getting ‘famous’:
LMAO at the ‘Live’ and ‘Love’ horseshit in the photo. She seems to love and live hate.
The article mentions that her business has not been impacted. Perhaps Linda will have more time on her hands in a few weeks when her patrons find out she’s a piece of scum.
Oh wow, getting very famous. I will go write something about her business on Google soon.
Great idea!
Check out all the comments under all her FB posts, and she wrote this post on 7/14...
This her personal FB account I believe but nothing much there... https://www.facebook.com/linda.peterson.52438
Sorry. I couldn't get there.
That lady has the quintessential look all leftist older ladies have. I can spot them a mile away. I'm not being disrespectful. Most of them like how they look.
You will smell the cat piss before you see her.
No, ignorant pigs like this are unworthy of having pets of any kind.
It's not from the pets...kek!
Like a dude? 😂
It's stuff like this that makes me think
Is communist propaganda.
I noticed in the restroom, most of the men that don't wash their hands LOOK like they wouldn't wash their hands.
I don't know if it still exists, but TheDonald.win had a HottiesForTrump subreddit; it was just a collection of beautiful MAGA women.
Can't ignore the consistency, there seems to be a correlation between how people look and what their mind is like.
Charles Manson too lol; crazy eyes.
Like girls gym teachers?
The women gym teachers in my HS were all lesbians.
That’s not a lady. A lady wouldn’t say things like about anyone. There’s people I don’t like but I don’t wish them dead.
Did you know that one can use fastpeoplesearch and type in someone's name and location and get all sorts of info about them, like address, phone and email?
Imagine that.
Charlotte county is Trump country, 63% in 2020 - she's going to have to move because her business is failed.
Woops. Talk about not knowing your surroundings.
Typical Democrat. Virtue signal without actually following through or living up to it in any capacity