I received an email from an Evangelical Christian who was a delegate here in my state. She was appalled by the GOP National Republican platform being changed from its biblical roots: Marriage between one man and woman and its watered down abortion clauses. The final straw for her was seeing Harmett Dhillon’s prayer performance which triggered her and her husband to renounce their membership in the GOP party
I am a right to life Conservative Catholic. I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. But I am also a realist. The Federal government now allows gay marriage. And there are gay Republicans (Log Cabin Republicans) and Republicans of multiple faiths. (But just don’t try to indoctrinate my kids into your lifestyle or groom them!)
We are a big tent. We in the GOP should welcome those of different creeds, different races and even gays. The USA is made up of many different people and the Republican Party should reflect that.
I received an email from an Evangelical Christian who was a delegate here in my state. She was appalled by the GOP National Republican platform being changed from its biblical roots: Marriage between one man and woman and its watered down abortion clauses. The final straw for her was seeing Harmett Dhillon’s prayer performance which triggered her and her husband to renounce their membership in the GOP party
I am a right to life Conservative Catholic. I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. But I am also a realist. The Federal government now allows gay marriage. And there are gay Republicans (Log Cabin Republicans) and Republicans of multiple faiths. (But just don’t try to indoctrinate my kids into your lifestyle or groom them!)
We are a big tent. We in the GOP should welcome those of different creeds, different races and even gays. The USA is made up of many different people and the Republican Party should reflect that.
Lost me at GOP "biblical roots" lol. Its a farking political party not a seminary.
Perhaps I should have worded it better.
Here’s what was upsetting to Evangelicals and Catholics. https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/gop-approves-watered-down-platform-at-convention-despite-pro-life-opposition/?utm_source=most_recent&utm_campaign=usa