This. Although what is played is not always heard. Depends on who you're watching.
And I think he sent another message via the speakers. Several were employees who were chosen after a brief encounter. I think he was reassuring us about his ability to find the hidden gems in people. J D Vance perhaps?
not most
very few
(I've watched most)
only seent it one other time.
Thanks fren, thats a good info definitely.
Also makes the comment by the Fox News saying its one of his standard tracks notable also - as in they are trying to get in front of the narrative.
That's because they know what is coming their way and it is NOT going to be nice...and the law that Obummer repealed to ALLOW NEWSIES TO LIE:
That is why the Newsies are going to lose their lil' minds!!!!!
This. Although what is played is not always heard. Depends on who you're watching.
And I think he sent another message via the speakers. Several were employees who were chosen after a brief encounter. I think he was reassuring us about his ability to find the hidden gems in people. J D Vance perhaps?