Insane Videos Capture Dystopic Scenes as MASSIVE Migrant Riots Break Out in the UK
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It's amazing. When you let violent radicals into your country... there is always an increase in radical violence.
Funny how that works. It's almost like it could be predicted.
Almost sounds like you're trying to say diversity isn't their strength.
London police would like to know your location
All by design, Thank the Globalists and all their DS BS Puppets.
Always in areas of great muslim concentrations
Power in numbers.
I suspect more information will be coming forth. But we are seeing the real reason they brought illegals into the western nations.
They look mostly peaceful but spicy.
Stop with the racism, get back to work and pay your taxes. The month end welfare TopUp’s are due.
Lets see how this plays out now.
Military is the only way there too...
Amen, World wide.
i wouldn't put a lot of trust in the Brit military, as a RN vet I can say the great majority of the military will do as they are told.
I am going to be honest, it would be a huge mistake to try thay shit in the US.
If it happens in Europe you can expect it coming our way soon.
We will see
Exactly, give it a few days.
And this is where that 3rd option comes in on those AR's and such....
The Founding Fathers had wisdom.
If you bring dirt into the country, you shouldn't be surprised if you end up living on a garbage tip after a short time.
Same here in Germany,
Exactly. All these DS BS Puppets Politicians knowingly brought this into the western nations.