I think that we will be very surprised when and if we ever find out. I wouldn't be surprised if it is someone quite famous. Any guesses? My gut feeling is that it is someone who is supposed to be "dead":
JFK jr Tom Clancy (My No 1 choice) John McAfee
Any thoughts?
It was a hoax IMO, by the WH to expose whatever the next scene is. So far it looks like BlackRock and Bush/Cheney.
This is an operation. And it's full of phuckery!! Not necessarily to trick us but to make 'reality' more palatable for the average person ti digest.
Do you REALLY think Joe Biden is the same Joe Biden during Obama admin? Very few believe that so.......if they're pulling a fast one over on the world with that 'lie'......do you really think pulling a hoax of this magnitude is out of their capability or purview? Trump is an actor (and a patriot, a brilliant businessman and someone who believes in God). He was designed to play this role as this utterly corrupt global cabal comes to an end soon!!!!
Tell that to Compertore's widow & daughter & tell us what they say
So God saved Trump, but the fire cheif died?
The fire chief is important to many people but he isn’t going to lead the people, is he? Perhaps he died to show you this wasn’t a hoax and that He is powerful and He has a plan using Trump. If no one had died it would seem staged and a way to level up Trump. Now anons and critical thinkers can discern this was indeed an assassination attempt. POTUS is insulated, he is protected by God and his arch angels, his Generals in the spiritual war
That's a tough one to swallow.
So now we're playing some lives are greater than others?
Doesn't seem very godlike to me.
But let's fall back on Q. I believe, but if this is real and the hand of God intervened. Patriots aren't in control, it was left to god.
We're in a catch 22 here.