I have several threads advocating that we figure out how to get them in court with criminal charges. I have neither enough time nor enough knowledge (presently) to do it in full myself but would love to help if/where I can.
It’s unlawful AND illegal to facilitate an invasion. We just need to make it an issue, formally. The barrister attorneys probably neither want to, nor could help, so it’s likely to be all on us.
This makes a lot more sense when you think about it from a spiritual perspective. If there is an ultimate Good and living profound Evil and all the evil wants is the enslavement and torture of mankind, things like this work great. You simply entice the PTB with generational wealth, power and adrenacrhome, then decades down the line mankind is nothing but a slavering mass of slaves living on their base desires and used as torturous fodder for the even more depraved ones in charge.
So what is the end game here?
Let's say you're a globalist POS in the year 2050 or 2060. Whites are a significant minority and most of the formerly white countries aren't.
Are these globalists oK with THEIR genetic lines dying out and being replaced?
Royalty already tried this and there's only so much incest you can do; only so far you can go.
If they replace the white population, that includes and will impact [them] too; their kids, grand kids, and so on.
Do they just not care? Are they planning on being on mars by then? What will that matter if again there aren't any white people up there either?
They’re not whites, only when it’s convenient do they pretend to be one.
They are Pharisees aka cabal aka Zionists, etc.
Aka the synagogue of Satan.
That’s for sure
I would say that their "blood" lines are nephilim and at present, they rule all--but not for much longer.
They are demonic, they want things to fall apart and be destroyed
Exactly, you just said it, demonic things.
The end game they want is we lose.
They don’t mix with us.
I have several threads advocating that we figure out how to get them in court with criminal charges. I have neither enough time nor enough knowledge (presently) to do it in full myself but would love to help if/where I can.
It’s unlawful AND illegal to facilitate an invasion. We just need to make it an issue, formally. The barrister attorneys probably neither want to, nor could help, so it’s likely to be all on us.
This makes a lot more sense when you think about it from a spiritual perspective. If there is an ultimate Good and living profound Evil and all the evil wants is the enslavement and torture of mankind, things like this work great. You simply entice the PTB with generational wealth, power and adrenacrhome, then decades down the line mankind is nothing but a slavering mass of slaves living on their base desires and used as torturous fodder for the even more depraved ones in charge.