Is it just me, or does it seem like the line of separation between his right shoulder and the American flag is a little to stark? Seems almost like he's overlaid on top of the background. The movement of his jaw also seems off. Moves up and down too rapidly. Not much in the way of slowing down before going in the other direction.
Didn't notice any jumpy cuts. Some flubs. Potential reflection of a teleprompter in the bottom central. He's obviously full of it, as per usual. The gulp at 5:31 seems a bit loud given the microphone position. It's almost as if a second one would have to be up against his throat or the audio be generated.
And that's all I could take as of 6:15. Just the image of that traitor talking is more than I want to put up with right now. Anyway, anyone here have methods for detecting deep fakes? Would love to see the results of this being run through it.
Croutons? Pfft... y'all don't need no stinkin croutons!!!
This here salad is PACKED with LIES!!!!
He said we have the lower border crossings than the last administration... and if that's not enough, there's plenty more LIES to satisfy your hunger...
The screen right side of the middle window panel that shows background green tree mostly behind his screen right ear is full of artifacts. Watch that area with the video, too much change even matching the slight wind movement you can see from higher branches of the tree visible above his head in the middle top window panel, which would move slower than the top branches. I have put this video through common deepfake detectors and it is not showing anything, put if you watch the identified area there is certainly unnatural artifacts in that section of the background of the panel.
Gonna print every frame to wipe my ass with. Wont even listen to it
🤣🤣🤣 I was yelling at the video till about 5 minutes in then I couldn't listen to he lies and condescending bs anymore.
The is a deep fake, they're getting good at this.
More blah blah blah....does this mean he's still alive? Lol....
Looks like he has a bruise on his face.
Is it just me, or does it seem like the line of separation between his right shoulder and the American flag is a little to stark? Seems almost like he's overlaid on top of the background. The movement of his jaw also seems off. Moves up and down too rapidly. Not much in the way of slowing down before going in the other direction.
Didn't notice any jumpy cuts. Some flubs. Potential reflection of a teleprompter in the bottom central. He's obviously full of it, as per usual. The gulp at 5:31 seems a bit loud given the microphone position. It's almost as if a second one would have to be up against his throat or the audio be generated.
And that's all I could take as of 6:15. Just the image of that traitor talking is more than I want to put up with right now. Anyway, anyone here have methods for detecting deep fakes? Would love to see the results of this being run through it.
Americans get their word salad tossed by Joe
Croutons? Pfft... y'all don't need no stinkin croutons!!!
This here salad is PACKED with LIES!!!!
He said we have the lower border crossings than the last administration... and if that's not enough, there's plenty more LIES to satisfy your hunger...
The screen right side of the middle window panel that shows background green tree mostly behind his screen right ear is full of artifacts. Watch that area with the video, too much change even matching the slight wind movement you can see from higher branches of the tree visible above his head in the middle top window panel, which would move slower than the top branches. I have put this video through common deepfake detectors and it is not showing anything, put if you watch the identified area there is certainly unnatural artifacts in that section of the background of the panel.
do you mean the reflection of the telepromter in the window?
You gotta give him credit for still being able to read.
No wedding ring? Is that normal?