The Marxists own the newspapers, cable news, TV, movies, the music industry, Hollywood celebrities, sports (NFL, NBA, MLB, etc.), corporations, the courts, schools and universities, most social media platforms, Google, Yahoo, YouTube, all of the Shadow Government: (The Unconstitutional Power of Government Secrecy) i.e., CIA, CFR, MSM, FISA, NSA, Silicon Valley, JSOC, DNI (17 Agencies), 5 Eyes, GCHQ MI6, DHS, DOS, NRO, NCTC, NGA, DOD, FBI and the Deep State (The System Behind the Government, unelected bureaucrats with zero accountability) i.e., the Federal Reserve (a private company NOT the government!), the Treasury, Wall Street, Foreign Lobbyists, Military-Industrial Complex (MIC) Lobbyists, the actual Military-Industrial Complex (MIC)/Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex (MICC) itself, Defense Contractors, Intelligence Contractors, World Bank, IMF etc., etc., and they will lie and their fact checkers will lie.
Our job is not going to be easy. Do not take anything for granted. And like President Trump dodging death in front of the nation, with God on our side, we’ve got this. > We simply MUST! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Pretty comprehensive list. Only thing to add is the criminal gang mafias.
How many fathoms of lead line does he have to measure with? Is it long enough to find the bottom?
Is Marxist a euphemism for a certain group pretending to be a certain religion?
does this guy know that patriots are in control?
It's as deep as the depths of hell.
And yet Anons persisted...