The whole WTC complex was built by Rockefeller, who are the American Dons for the Cabal, owning pretty much the entire shebang. Building 7 was the home for Salomon Smith Barney, which was basically Blackrock before Blackrock, but was having some major legal issues. Their destruction ended the investigations.
Also tenants of Building 7 were the NY center for the IRS, CIA, Secret Service, SEC, DOD, and various big money services (like federal home loans, credit cards, etc.). An awful lot of important records were destroyed in that building collapse.
The night before the attack, Donald Rumsfeld had announced that the DOD had "lost" two trillion dollars, which at the time was the entire National Debt. The next day the "plane" that hit the Pentagon just so happened to hit the tiny area where the records of that "lost" money were kept, shutting down that investigation too.
Of course the amount of plane bits found at the Pentagon could fit in the back of a pickup truck, and somehow the most secure building in the world has zero footage of a plane hitting it, but those are unimportant pieces of information, and anyone who thinks about them is just a crazy conspiracy theorist.
Similarly, the plane that crashed in Penn. didn't actually have any plane parts. Somehow these 747s are disintegrating.
Meh, it happens.
The main buildings themselves had just been bought by some stooge (Rockefeller crony) who insured them for more than their market value (if that phrase has any meaning on this scale). As it turns out, he made a killing on his "loss."
The off targets of 911 (building 7 and the Pentagon) tell a far more interesting story than the main WTC buildings themselves. You can dig pretty far into Building 7 and it's tenants. It gets pretty crazy in there. Looking at the pics and videos of the Pentagon shows a very interesting story as well.
I think the primary purpose of the WTC attack was as a form of false flag propaganda, perpetrated by the DOD/CIA/MIC/Mossad to motivate the "war on terror," a blanket term that gave the US Govt carte blanche attack power on the entire middle east. They could go into any country and just start killing through the "war on terror," all they had to do was say that terrorists existed there. If there are none there, put some there yourself. But I don't think the "off targets" were random, and show how big this thing really is. It destroyed some of the most important records for the biggest financial institutions in the world, and there is only ONE FINANCIAL INSTITUTION IN THE WORLD.
So how high up does 911 go? All the way to the tippy top of the Pyramid.
Your second paragraph is the reason we now have "the cloud", to allegedly prevent it from happening again. I think the whole thing was thoroughly thought through to centralize data. Never let a crisis go to waste. I believe it to have it's roots in counterfeit currency (other comments of mine here have additional information)
The whole WTC complex was built by Rockefeller, who are the American Dons for the Cabal, owning pretty much the entire shebang. Building 7 was the home for Salomon Smith Barney, which was basically Blackrock before Blackrock, but was having some major legal issues. Their destruction ended the investigations.
Also tenants of Building 7 were the NY center for the IRS, CIA, Secret Service, SEC, DOD, and various big money services (like federal home loans, credit cards, etc.). An awful lot of important records were destroyed in that building collapse.
The night before the attack, Donald Rumsfeld had announced that the DOD had "lost" two trillion dollars, which at the time was the entire National Debt. The next day the "plane" that hit the Pentagon just so happened to hit the tiny area where the records of that "lost" money were kept, shutting down that investigation too.
Of course the amount of plane bits found at the Pentagon could fit in the back of a pickup truck, and somehow the most secure building in the world has zero footage of a plane hitting it, but those are unimportant pieces of information, and anyone who thinks about them is just a crazy conspiracy theorist.
Similarly, the plane that crashed in Penn. didn't actually have any plane parts. Somehow these 747s are disintegrating.
Meh, it happens.
The main buildings themselves had just been bought by some stooge (Rockefeller crony) who insured them for more than their market value (if that phrase has any meaning on this scale). As it turns out, he made a killing on his "loss."
The off targets of 911 (building 7 and the Pentagon) tell a far more interesting story than the main WTC buildings themselves. You can dig pretty far into Building 7 and it's tenants. It gets pretty crazy in there. Looking at the pics and videos of the Pentagon shows a very interesting story as well.
I think the primary purpose of the WTC attack was as a form of false flag propaganda, perpetrated by the DOD/CIA/MIC/Mossad to motivate the "war on terror," a blanket term that gave the US Govt carte blanche attack power on the entire middle east. They could go into any country and just start killing through the "war on terror," all they had to do was say that terrorists existed there. If there are none there, put some there yourself. But I don't think the "off targets" were random, and show how big this thing really is. It destroyed some of the most important records for the biggest financial institutions in the world, and there is only ONE FINANCIAL INSTITUTION IN THE WORLD.
So how high up does 911 go? All the way to the tippy top of the Pyramid.
You're my favorite commenter.
Your second paragraph is the reason we now have "the cloud", to allegedly prevent it from happening again. I think the whole thing was thoroughly thought through to centralize data. Never let a crisis go to waste. I believe it to have it's roots in counterfeit currency (other comments of mine here have additional information)
Pharisees and all these Devil disciples soon will see the WRATH OF GOD.