so i had watched some video after the "trump rally" and the guy was saying how, crooks was on top of a building that manufactured glass, and the trump supporter who died worked at a sand place that had gov contracts to make glass or something..or they made special glass? i dont really remember.. he was saying how it opened the door to all of their files...a way to take over their patents or something.. wish i saved it.. this reminded me of that. if i can find it I will come post the link
Copying my response to u/luthienli here so it isnt lost in the view more comments minimizing since so many are wondering:
The glass company in Butler has DoD contracts for glass used in the space station and fighter jets.
Everyone calls Cory Compatore a fireman. He was a volunteer fireman and his real job of 33 years was at an advanced plastics company, also with DoD contracts, that is developing a clear plastic to replace the glass used in the space station and fighter jets.
Mr. Webb theorized that Cory Compatore was a target and not just an accident that would allow searches of both companies computer files. I follow Webb but am not sure if hes still on this investigative path or if hes found evidence that dismisses the theory.
If he was a target then the water tower may have been where the shooter fired from. Was Trump a distraction or was it a twofer? Is the SS (hahaha I cant get over how appropo that acronym is looking) incompetence a look here not there moment?
Yes! This is the explaination that I watched. I sort of dismissed it, and filed it in my brain under "weird" wondering what this chinese glass company has in common....
so i had watched some video after the "trump rally" and the guy was saying how, crooks was on top of a building that manufactured glass, and the trump supporter who died worked at a sand place that had gov contracts to make glass or something..or they made special glass? i dont really remember.. he was saying how it opened the door to all of their files...a way to take over their patents or something.. wish i saved it.. this reminded me of that. if i can find it I will come post the link
Seek and ye shall find.
Copying my response to u/luthienli here so it isnt lost in the view more comments minimizing since so many are wondering:
The glass company in Butler has DoD contracts for glass used in the space station and fighter jets.
Everyone calls Cory Compatore a fireman. He was a volunteer fireman and his real job of 33 years was at an advanced plastics company, also with DoD contracts, that is developing a clear plastic to replace the glass used in the space station and fighter jets.
Mr. Webb theorized that Cory Compatore was a target and not just an accident that would allow searches of both companies computer files. I follow Webb but am not sure if hes still on this investigative path or if hes found evidence that dismisses the theory.
If he was a target then the water tower may have been where the shooter fired from. Was Trump a distraction or was it a twofer? Is the SS (hahaha I cant get over how appropo that acronym is looking) incompetence a look here not there moment?
Yes! This is the explaination that I watched. I sort of dismissed it, and filed it in my brain under "weird" wondering what this chinese glass company has in common....
American Glass. They are owned by Safelite. Did the jingle didn’t you?
Geo Webb
I watched that as well, but I can’t recall the name of the investigator who made that video.