this has been coming across my feed for two days, these people are insane, they think they are creating a revolution to go and fight ice, trump supporters, they are organizing out in the open. they think their code words are cryptic and hopefully will all be charged with domestic terrorism. * edit, I have a theory on the tik tok shut down and the algorithm change. (patriots in control)
your going down mf? there are many versions of a laugh, not all are a reaction to something funny.... at least I hope. Starting to lose faith and think were all being duped. one big club. Prove me wrong trump please or... remember the letter I gave you at the last funeral?
I watched my best friends child go from "totally normal" to them thinking he may be deaf, getting him tested and finding out he is severely autisic, after a "wellness" doctor appointment which gave him vaccines. it was an instant change This was back in 2004
the only angle i am hoping for here is he gets exposed to the world, and maybe this is the only way to make the remaining people who will wake up realize what is going on? trump haters will dig on oz? ,,,, because this makes me nervous. and I am tired of playing the "spotlight" game sigh
I agree we have free speech that includes speech you dont like, and how is antisemitism defined?