I believe I am the only doctor in my entire hospital that refused the shot. The main problem is not that “they always knew.” The problem is they still don’t know and there’s nothing I can say to them to change their minds.
It did not take long for doctors to figure out something was wrong. To keep their job they bowed their head and knee and said nothing. How much is their Hippocratic oath worth, their pay check, your life. If they all had of done their job this would have lasted 1 day. Dr’s should be ones of the first to be tried and either imprisoned or hung for violating what they say is the most sacred oath they have. They let a lot of people die to keep their job.
Every doctor, nurse, and pharmacist took ethics training and fully understands that they need to fully disclose information to the patient and that they can’t force treatment (especially for an experimental concoction). There is no exemption to these rules… even if things get really bad and they get really scared. It’s important that they all be held accountable.
I lost clients over the vaccines. They didn't want me in their houses without it, so we went a few rounds over the phone. The worst ones were the medical doctors and those with medical family members. If they call me I'll work for them again, but I won't be calling them.
The good news is that medical doctors are dying at a faster rate than the regular population. But naturopath and alt medicine doctors are fine and dandy. I’m sure they’ll accept the extra business.
I had one client (a medical consultancy) whose financial director was a Ukrainian lady. Nice lady, but unfortunately a jab cultist. Had a lot of fun playfully ribbing me in her Russian accent.
“Big strong mehn like you afred of a leetle needle? I am gerl, and I not even scared of eet. Yu need to hev balls!!”
When I went back in early 2023 for their next audit, management told me she’d retired due to “medical reasons” 😐👍
Doctors are body mechanics. They share in common with other mechanics that they don't need to know the materials science or physics or engineering of what they're trying to repair and maintain. Some do but this is optional outside of specialties.
What they should have known was enough immunology and pathology to understand that recovered antibodies include the antibodies induced by the jab. That should have set off bullshit detectors.
Cardiologists should have raised their eyebrows at ACE-2 receptor activation. Neurologists should have had a shit about the lipid nanoparticle being theoretically small enough to cross the blood brain barrier. Allergists and immunologists should have been discussing repeat exposure to the adjunct, inflammatory lipids. If they'd been allowed in the same room and weren't having their reputations and standing with their colleges threatened, discussion should have happened.
Virtually all of them are smart enough and grounded enough to have known better if they put a few day's research into it.
The academics are the ones who have no excuse. There are ones who had to denounce the fundamentals of their disciplines to toe this line and these are the ones who always knew.
Doctors are among the laziest dumb group of people out there, good thing is they are dying at a faster pace than any other profession. They got the clot shots and are now paying for it. I know why they did it and the way it is playing out, every single one will pay for it with their life, I have no issues with that. All of my family was threatened with being fired and we all stood strong and said, fire me, no hard feelings.
If you are dumb enough to blindly believe in the government and not do Any research and ask no questions, fda, cdc, and nih then u get what u get. They knew what the cure was and is, but was and are too scared to give it. They had ONE oath and did not have the courage to stand up and honor it.
If they don’t know it is because they don’t want to know.
Nurses and ANYONE else giving the death jabs, they should be hung right beside the doctors. And for the spouses that know their husband or wife are giving these shots and say nothing, there should be a rope for u too.
And that goes for the Pulmonologists also, the hard facts are only 2 in 10 come off a respirator once put on.
The minimum was 45k from the time you were admitted to the time you went out the back door on a slab. It was all about the money for these people.
We were only following the rules and what we were told, then go bake me some cookies. Nuremberg 2.0 then hang them all, or the WoodChipper I don’t care
I believe I am the only doctor in my entire hospital that refused the shot. The main problem is not that “they always knew.” The problem is they still don’t know and there’s nothing I can say to them to change their minds.
You are a good man to not give the death jabb
It did not take long for doctors to figure out something was wrong. To keep their job they bowed their head and knee and said nothing. How much is their Hippocratic oath worth, their pay check, your life. If they all had of done their job this would have lasted 1 day. Dr’s should be ones of the first to be tried and either imprisoned or hung for violating what they say is the most sacred oath they have. They let a lot of people die to keep their job.
Every doctor, nurse, and pharmacist took ethics training and fully understands that they need to fully disclose information to the patient and that they can’t force treatment (especially for an experimental concoction). There is no exemption to these rules… even if things get really bad and they get really scared. It’s important that they all be held accountable.
Dam straight!!! It's been one of my arguments ethics! We're all taught it in uni. Now all of a sudden we ignore it? Pffft nope!
I lost clients over the vaccines. They didn't want me in their houses without it, so we went a few rounds over the phone. The worst ones were the medical doctors and those with medical family members. If they call me I'll work for them again, but I won't be calling them.
The good news is that medical doctors are dying at a faster rate than the regular population. But naturopath and alt medicine doctors are fine and dandy. I’m sure they’ll accept the extra business.
I had one client (a medical consultancy) whose financial director was a Ukrainian lady. Nice lady, but unfortunately a jab cultist. Had a lot of fun playfully ribbing me in her Russian accent.
“Big strong mehn like you afred of a leetle needle? I am gerl, and I not even scared of eet. Yu need to hev balls!!”
When I went back in early 2023 for their next audit, management told me she’d retired due to “medical reasons” 😐👍
I would not want to be near shedders now, though.
Doctors are body mechanics. They share in common with other mechanics that they don't need to know the materials science or physics or engineering of what they're trying to repair and maintain. Some do but this is optional outside of specialties.
What they should have known was enough immunology and pathology to understand that recovered antibodies include the antibodies induced by the jab. That should have set off bullshit detectors.
Cardiologists should have raised their eyebrows at ACE-2 receptor activation. Neurologists should have had a shit about the lipid nanoparticle being theoretically small enough to cross the blood brain barrier. Allergists and immunologists should have been discussing repeat exposure to the adjunct, inflammatory lipids. If they'd been allowed in the same room and weren't having their reputations and standing with their colleges threatened, discussion should have happened.
Virtually all of them are smart enough and grounded enough to have known better if they put a few day's research into it.
The academics are the ones who have no excuse. There are ones who had to denounce the fundamentals of their disciplines to toe this line and these are the ones who always knew.
Doctors are among the laziest dumb group of people out there, good thing is they are dying at a faster pace than any other profession. They got the clot shots and are now paying for it. I know why they did it and the way it is playing out, every single one will pay for it with their life, I have no issues with that. All of my family was threatened with being fired and we all stood strong and said, fire me, no hard feelings. If you are dumb enough to blindly believe in the government and not do Any research and ask no questions, fda, cdc, and nih then u get what u get. They knew what the cure was and is, but was and are too scared to give it. They had ONE oath and did not have the courage to stand up and honor it. If they don’t know it is because they don’t want to know. Nurses and ANYONE else giving the death jabs, they should be hung right beside the doctors. And for the spouses that know their husband or wife are giving these shots and say nothing, there should be a rope for u too. And that goes for the Pulmonologists also, the hard facts are only 2 in 10 come off a respirator once put on. The minimum was 45k from the time you were admitted to the time you went out the back door on a slab. It was all about the money for these people. We were only following the rules and what we were told, then go bake me some cookies. Nuremberg 2.0 then hang them all, or the WoodChipper I don’t care