Excellent counterpoint. There are times when you'd think it would be necessary like your 3 hours at the beach scenario. And think about the Gingers! I know a Ginger kid who's a friend of my son. He is head-to-toe in sunscreen ALL THE TIME! If sunscreen is truly cancer causing, wouldn't all Gingers who sunscreen up heavy be susceptible to cancer?
Excellent counterpoint. There are times when you'd think it would be necessary like your 3 hours at the beach scenario. And think about the Gingers! I know a Ginger kid who's a friend of my son. He is head-to-toe in sunscreen ALL THE TIME! If sunscreen is truly cancer causing, wouldn't all Gingers who sunscreen up heavy be susceptible to cancer?
Thank you. The answer like most things likely is moderation. Dont drink too much, don't eat too much, don't hang out in the sun too much, etc....
I will use suncreen, but not all the time and only for longer exposure.
Tough to do if you work outside, but then you need to wear spf clothing.