It is almost like Christmas come early. The Democrats are in complete meltdown and Terrified at the same time. It is almost like A water Main rupture that can not be stopped. Globally the World is going hot and people are pushing back around the world like never before seen in history. Zuck has abandoned the Democrats( Dont trust him) but if true this HUGH. I pray for ALL our brothers and sisters around the world fighting back, And pray for all of us to be successful in our fight. This is so awesome on a Friday. I love you all frens. Stay positive and keep your head up because WE ARE WINNING>
Comments (13)
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Add Elon Musk to the list of abandoning the Democrat party. Not saying he's a 'Trump fan' but he's been having his rounds with the dems. Which is a good thing.
Why does Ari Emanuels employee matter so much? Taxpayer subsidized billionaire..
Enjoy the show!!! 🍿🍿🍿
If you know, you know.
You gotta, trust me bro
Ballad of Kameltoe
She only just a hoe
She never was Afro
She actin, just like Joe
That's what I'm sayin, bro
If you know you know
So, you can catch a ho
And then, another ho
Merry Christmas Yo!!!
Just read it low and slow
You'll get the right tempo
And then you'll get the flow
Central Casting, tho
If you know, you know
That is a nice song text, maybe I make the soundtrack.
I appreciate your optimism but I am very fearful still.
Even though I have believe I may have glimpsed how the movie ends, this part is still terrifying for me. It certainly doesn't appear as though we are winning, in the past few days
That’s by design. The MSM will put out “polls” showing Heels Up and PDJT neck and neck. These polls do not reflect public opinion- they are meant to shape public opinion via gaslighting you, causing you to fear, causing you to lose hope and even question your vote. Don’t drink the KoolAid fren. Do not fear, only believe! God is in control.
they don't have to reflect the reality, only manipulate enough to give a plausible scenario with which to steal it. I know that one way or another, we win this in the end, it's just a question of how much a fight the dying enemy puts up, and how much of a shock will be necessary. What the Q team is sitting on, should even a fraction be revealed, will result in the blowing of so many minds, people will suffer and panic. The less that is revealed, the slower, the better in my opinion.
If we reach the point of WWIII inevitability, which I think we nearly have, they're going to have to unload of MOAB to prevent it.
The overt is a continuous drip, drip, drip of winning. Not as thrilling, but just as effective. I believe the covert portion (80%) is ahead of schedule. When it comes to the polls: Trump is already in landslide territory. Trump is focused on continuing to chip away at the democrat base. Blacks, Latinos, young and older. These are all 2 for 1. One for Trump and minus one for the democrats. He has made excellent progress with the Latinos and black men. I am seeing a lot of signs that black women are coming on board as well. They have been the toughest nut to crack in the past.
No tax on tips and no tax on social security are brilliant. Both from a vote and policy standpoint.
If you are fearful, let the fear go. Meditate half an hour per day, try to think nothing. If your mind does interfere, use a mantra, because mind can only hold one thought at a time. I use the mantra: I am. Often I fall asleep doing that, like the monks did.
it is, difficult. I know that it must be done, but the physical sensation of panic can overwhelm the mind. I suffer from an actual panic attack condition, I've had it since I was a young boy so I have learned to accept it and work through it when it happens, it's just that at times it can be really bad. Especially when I feel as though I'm having a 'realisation' of something. It's my ego resisting change and clinging to itself. I know what it is and what to do, it's just a little hard. It's sort of a feeling of synchronicity or de ja vu, once it begins it goes on, then I start to panic. Sometimes one triggers the other. If you can imagine a 'bad trip' or little mini ego-death experiences, absolutely convinced im about to die and have a stroke, all the while realising stuff about myself, mostly negative things that I need to improve or let go off, feeling repentant because I'm surely going to die this time.
Funnily enough, silent meditation actually triggers it. I do better practicing a moving meditation or walking. When I start to panic I prefer to let my body shake and tremble and move about while I'm panicking while maintaining focus of my mind and concentration on the breath. It's pretty funny to witness. My nervous system is completely spazzing out but somehow I can maintain a calm within the storm. I used to be at an elite level in a sport, I'd actually get like this when competing, needless to say people thought I was very weird, lol.
Yes, fren! It IS glorious. GOD WINS.