Taken from Reddit, here for posterity and for anyone willing to dig further.
"Tommy Robinson is backed and funded by the Middle East Forum. The MEF backs organisations like EDL around the world to push their racist agenda.
Daniel Pipes is the President of Middle East Forum that was first established within the Foreign Policy Research Institute.
The FPRI was founded by Robert Strausz-Hupé, a Jewish immigrant who had a young Henry Kissinger as one of his original luminaries.
Daniel Pipes, a Zionist, is obviously not a fan of Muslims worldwide but once praised Mustafa Kemal Atatürk who was a Donmeh. The Donmeh are Sabbateans. Connect the dots. This rabbit hole goes deep.
Who are the Sabbateans. Maybe start here: https://rumble.com/v4rho8w-the-sabbatean-frankist-illuminati-history-freemasons.html"
"Thank you, someone finally gets it! And the illuminati was created by Adam Weishaupt, a Jesuit.
The jesuits were behind things like the gunpowder plot. The current Pope is the first jesuit pope.
It's a network that has infiltrated multiple governments worldwide. It is all By design.
Albert Pike, freemason, huge part in starting American Civil War, seems to write about what is happening today in our countries all while they complete their global goal starting in Israel"
"Didn't Jacob Frank have a hand in creating the illuminati too along with getting financial backing from the Rothschilds?"
"Not heard that name but apparently so.
Building the Titanic was funded by JP Morgan and the Rothchilds which sunk with the 3 major bankers who opposed the federal reserve system, so they likely took them out for global financial control.
Rothchilds/UK created Israel and serve the Illuminati since the 'New world order pledged to jews' clearly with the condition they'll be the scapegoat to carry out the bigger plot of probably getting rid of both Islam and Judaism, as per the letter I linked in my last comment"
Is he the Alex Jones of the UK?
Don't care. Throw the sandriggers out
I have tended to agree over the years that Tommy is an operative of sorts, but suspect he may have been "flipped" as he isn't really following the script one might expect. He has disavowed the rioting and is somehow being blamed for it despite currently being out sunbathing in Cyprus.
Anyone who loves their country is Tommy Robinson or Donald Trump or Viktor Orban or Vladimir Putin.
Globalists don't like patriots, that's why these people are targeted or persecuted.
I'm starting to believe that all this mass immigration seen in EU and N America is a Trojan Horse. When the people rise up, these migrants who have no allegiance to our countries will be the foot soldiers used against the people, because any oath abiding LEO or soldier will not turn on those they swore to protect.