But against all logic, this morning as I write this, gold is down to $2,414 and silver is down to $27.26. One would think that investors would rush to metals to preserve wealth if the stock market is ready to crash.
Another TEST RUN EVENT, like Event 201, to see what the reaction is going to be....
I wrote this on another thread, but I think it's applicable here too....
They've been working their own plan on Total World Domination in order to enslave everyone who isn't one of their own....
IT's a Big Plan, and it looks one hell of a lot like they're using the Book of Revelations as their Play Book, the Rothschilds are the ones who started the Myth about ""The Rapture"", it is Nowhere to be found in the New or Old Testament, through some Clown Preacher, about 200 years ago, and as good as it sounds, it's all just one Huge Lie....
But just watch, now that we have learned that the Vaxxxines have been killing off lots of People, well, as soon as it hits the News, the MSM is going to start twisting it and at first will ask ""Is The Rapture Happening"", then they'll start throwing out Numbers of Dead, an never once mention those deaths as being Directly Connected to the Vaxxx, but it'll plant the Seeds for the Normies, and on the heels of that, comes the Number of the Beast/SYSTEM....
It's one Tricky Trap after another these days, but it's looking a lot like the Ten Nations might possibly be BRICS, an the BEAST/SYSTEM might be Digital Currency connected to Facial Recognition an Biometric Data....
So, this Crashing of the Markets, it's Probably Related, either it's a Test Run, to see just how the Public Reacts to it, or it might be the real Deal, either way, we have Two Choices, we can Resist it, or go with it by doing nothing, I say use Cash even more and try to make a rainy Day Stash at home....
We must resist it to the point that it Fails Completely, we cannot allow any of this to pass....
But against all logic, this morning as I write this, gold is down to $2,414 and silver is down to $27.26. One would think that investors would rush to metals to preserve wealth if the stock market is ready to crash.
Hard to tell since the price of metals is based off the comex, which is manipulated. We do know the central banks have been buying gold.
Its a good time to add to the stack 😉
Ammo is still the best investment.
Not yet. But soon.
Another TEST RUN EVENT, like Event 201, to see what the reaction is going to be....
I wrote this on another thread, but I think it's applicable here too....
They've been working their own plan on Total World Domination in order to enslave everyone who isn't one of their own....
IT's a Big Plan, and it looks one hell of a lot like they're using the Book of Revelations as their Play Book, the Rothschilds are the ones who started the Myth about ""The Rapture"", it is Nowhere to be found in the New or Old Testament, through some Clown Preacher, about 200 years ago, and as good as it sounds, it's all just one Huge Lie....
But just watch, now that we have learned that the Vaxxxines have been killing off lots of People, well, as soon as it hits the News, the MSM is going to start twisting it and at first will ask ""Is The Rapture Happening"", then they'll start throwing out Numbers of Dead, an never once mention those deaths as being Directly Connected to the Vaxxx, but it'll plant the Seeds for the Normies, and on the heels of that, comes the Number of the Beast/SYSTEM....
It's one Tricky Trap after another these days, but it's looking a lot like the Ten Nations might possibly be BRICS, an the BEAST/SYSTEM might be Digital Currency connected to Facial Recognition an Biometric Data....
So, this Crashing of the Markets, it's Probably Related, either it's a Test Run, to see just how the Public Reacts to it, or it might be the real Deal, either way, we have Two Choices, we can Resist it, or go with it by doing nothing, I say use Cash even more and try to make a rainy Day Stash at home....
We must resist it to the point that it Fails Completely, we cannot allow any of this to pass....
Just my opinion....
Just bought
Beware of Rich man's tricks