51 Interesting X thread by Dutchsinse - PDF link in post., zero point energy and much more. (twitter.com) posted 7 months ago by Scorpion76 7 months ago by Scorpion76 +52 / -1 13 comments share 13 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I love Dutchsinse! His videos are awesome!
It's hard to take a paper seriously when they misspell "enormous" (enormuous).
I suppose in this day and age I would agree, autocorrect etc. But in 1978 it wouldn't surprise me in the least it was missed.
Typewriters didnt have a delete key.
IBM Selectric had a erasure method built in to the Typewriter in 1978, believe me I know!
I had to rent mine, '78 also, new they cost $1400 back then. It was the best ever.
They were great when you made a typo!
White out the last letter, word, or sentence. Genius!
Being able to change Fonts and type size with a new ball in about 30 seconds was revolutionary. I loved IBM.
Then word processing came in, copy - paste turned us all into a one man committee.
Remember the Unisys Word Processors? We had those at Coast Guard HQ in the 80's!
Post deleted. Have you the PDF link?
Yes fren here, https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA065762.pdf
I did read some later tweets from Dutchsinse and it seemed he started to get death threats???
Authored by Tom Bearden. A trusted source from a superb scientist. RIP Tom.
I knew a guy in the navy, in Fallon NV, who said they shot lots of crows down with their radar. It was just good, clean fun.