261 Holy shit! Now Scavino! What a movie (media.greatawakening.win) - N C S W I C - posted 178 days ago by DCSucks 178 days ago by DCSucks +261 / -0 52 comments download share 52 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Red tape for declass is probably a mile long, committees a mile wide, and paperwork just as high.
If a president wants to declassify 👽 🛸 they have swamp monsters in high places with roadblocks to get through.
The Supreme Court however ruled that Bill Clinton Declassified documents with his mind, Literally just his intention to do it
Yes, but what if the swamp monsters are infighting about it ....
The only thing I can fall back on is Trump and the military, as promised.
Joe is illegitimate and has no power. Fraud vitiates everything. PDJT and the military are active.