The left seems to be pushing the idea that the assassination attempt was a fake through their subchannels. They're not stupid enough to mainstream it, but there are a LOT of people out there pushing the idea. This is why you are going to hear a lot of stupid questions along the lines of "ear scars".
Who the fuck asks that lol. And she asked 2 times, she really wants to know if there is a scar on his ear guys. It's important.
Trump: "I'm a fast healer" kek
The left seems to be pushing the idea that the assassination attempt was a fake through their subchannels. They're not stupid enough to mainstream it, but there are a LOT of people out there pushing the idea. This is why you are going to hear a lot of stupid questions along the lines of "ear scars".
He even showed his ear, I did not see a scar, but maybe he put makeup on over it?
He said it was at the top of his ear...probably not very visible from the angle the cameras were filming.
He turned his head to show
Boss is always in control...
To be fair, I didn't see any sort of scar and there are a ton of photos from literally the next day and there wasn't even a scratch.
Something is going on.
I'm with you 100% but I won't speak about it.
Why not? I found it's a great talking point.
got sauce on that? I didn't see any pics of his ear the next day