Hahahha. It seems that Bones has blocked me! I mean, I can still see his comments. Blocking only prevents someone from DMing you, doesn't it? It doesn't mean that they become invisible to you on the board, right?
I don't recall ever DMing DrMcCoy, so I'm wondering why he (you) blocked me.
Doc, if it's anything I can patch up, please let me know.
But yeah, I have (awlays) been very vocal about TPV aka NewsPunch aka YourNewsWire (and for some, probably annoying!).
u/FractalizingIron did a couple of in depth posts about TPV.
That's funny. I've blocked this user.
Perhaps he has pointed out this source to you in the past? He is very vocal about it.
Hahahha. It seems that Bones has blocked me! I mean, I can still see his comments. Blocking only prevents someone from DMing you, doesn't it? It doesn't mean that they become invisible to you on the board, right?
I don't recall ever DMing DrMcCoy, so I'm wondering why he (you) blocked me.
Doc, if it's anything I can patch up, please let me know.
But yeah, I have (awlays) been very vocal about TPV aka NewsPunch aka YourNewsWire (and for some, probably annoying!).
Seems The People's Voice was correct after-all:
Doctors killed in Brazilian plane crash promised to release evidence tying mRNA “vaccines” to TURBO CANCER - 08/18/2024 // Ethan Huff // 1.3K Views - https://www.naturalnews.com/2024-08-18-doctors-brazil-evidence-mrna-vaccines-turbo-cancer.html
GAW: https://greatawakening.win/p/17txofkQuS/doctors-killed-in-brazilian-plan/c/
Something to keep in mind.....
I hope you spent a little time looking into the sources.
The naturalnews article cites the blog of the 2nd smartest guy in the world.
This blog cites 5 news links listed as oai_citations, and none of those reports even have the mention of of "mRNA".
It then provides these two sources:
Well the first one is a reply to the second one and guess what the second one is?
The very same TPV link.
Hope you are understanding how sites like TPV is used to "launder" news to make it seem authentic?
Also thanks for reporting that GAW post.