we cant even tell you he was arrested because its part of an ongoing investigation. sorry if we reveal anything at all people involved in the case could be dangerously sad and we have to protect their identities.
------Council Chairman Phil Mendelson (D) said the arrest occurred about 2 p.m. He said he was previously unaware that White was under investigation.
White, a Democrat who was first elected in 2016, represents Ward 8 in Southeast Washington.
The circumstances of the arrest, which occurred Sunday, and the nature of the allegations against White were not immediately clear. The FBI’s Washington Field Office declined to comment, and White and his chief of staff did not immediately return messages
“I’m anxious to get more details to understand what the situation is,” Mendelson told FOX 5. “You all know as much as I know.”
In March of this year, it was reported that White owed over $80,000 in campaign-related fines.
“The Washington City Paper reported last week that the D.C. Office of Campaign Finance levied a $20,000 fine against White and his campaign treasurer,” noted Fox 5 in March. “On top of that, OCF says White owes nearly $59,000 in public funds he received through D.C.’s Fair Elections Program.”
“The Fair Elections Program is a relatively new program where candidates can be eligible for some public financing. If a candidate receives that money, though, It’s subject to a pretty thorough audit with reporting requirements,” the report added.------
Given the reputation the FBI has EARNED - I am now inclined to believe that this is an innocent man.
The FBI's reputation of integrity, honesty, and lawfulness is permanently stained. It should be disbanded, and rebuilt with a new name. US Weasel Force has a ring to it.
Everyone should be concerned about anyone getting arrested and they can't name the charges, regardless of political affiliation
Plus his website is nuked now. That's alway's an 'over the target' moment. I was just beginning to get into his work with the children
"Arrest first, create crime later." should be their motto.
we cant even tell you he was arrested because its part of an ongoing investigation. sorry if we reveal anything at all people involved in the case could be dangerously sad and we have to protect their identities.
------Council Chairman Phil Mendelson (D) said the arrest occurred about 2 p.m. He said he was previously unaware that White was under investigation.
White, a Democrat who was first elected in 2016, represents Ward 8 in Southeast Washington.
The circumstances of the arrest, which occurred Sunday, and the nature of the allegations against White were not immediately clear. The FBI’s Washington Field Office declined to comment, and White and his chief of staff did not immediately return messages
“I’m anxious to get more details to understand what the situation is,” Mendelson told FOX 5. “You all know as much as I know.”
In March of this year, it was reported that White owed over $80,000 in campaign-related fines.
“The Washington City Paper reported last week that the D.C. Office of Campaign Finance levied a $20,000 fine against White and his campaign treasurer,” noted Fox 5 in March. “On top of that, OCF says White owes nearly $59,000 in public funds he received through D.C.’s Fair Elections Program.”
“The Fair Elections Program is a relatively new program where candidates can be eligible for some public financing. If a candidate receives that money, though, It’s subject to a pretty thorough audit with reporting requirements,” the report added.------
Notable because it is the DC swamp and the stench is strong down there.
Here he is https://dccouncil.gov/council/councilmember-trayon-white-sr/
and here. https://www.trayonwhite8.com/
Given the reputation the FBI has EARNED - I am now inclined to believe that this is an innocent man.
The FBI's reputation of integrity, honesty, and lawfulness is permanently stained. It should be disbanded, and rebuilt with a new name. US Weasel Force has a ring to it.
Innocent until proven guilty even a dimwitocrat. Maybe the injustice perpetratetef by the FBI are finally in full exposure
Didn't kick back like he should have?
Link should have taken the red pill