if you read around, what I’ve found is that there are different sects with different practices. Not all sects do that, and what I saw is that the ones that do are relatively small.
I do not have any firsthand testimony, but I do know of some Jewish circles and they’ve never mentioned any such thing, however, a lot of earnestly anti-everything-Jewish are more than happy to make it sound like it’s all Judaism that sucks baby dicks. I don’t buy that, haven’t seen or heard any evidence of that, and would take universalization of that claim with a good degree of skepticism until there’s solid evidence otherwise, and I accept that there may well be sects that do exactly what the claim says.
Remember, there are now sects of Christianity who think it is GODLY to appoint lesbian females as pastors of churches and advocate homosexuality as a moral good. It is much easier than we think for all of us to fall into some really sick paths.
if you read around, what I’ve found is that there are different sects with different practices. Not all sects do that, and what I saw is that the ones that do are relatively small.
I do not have any firsthand testimony, but I do know of some Jewish circles and they’ve never mentioned any such thing, however, a lot of earnestly anti-everything-Jewish are more than happy to make it sound like it’s all Judaism that sucks baby dicks. I don’t buy that, haven’t seen or heard any evidence of that, and would take universalization of that claim with a good degree of skepticism until there’s solid evidence otherwise, and I accept that there may well be sects that do exactly what the claim says.
Remember, there are now sects of Christianity who think it is GODLY to appoint lesbian females as pastors of churches and advocate homosexuality as a moral good. It is much easier than we think for all of us to fall into some really sick paths.
Good points. I'm hoping we will learn the source for lots of these ailments ASAP.