I am okay with there being a little bit of time on death row. Not decades like now, but maybe a year.
It gives time for the guilty to change their mind and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ before death. It also gives some time for things to come out incase a prosecutor like Kamala falsely convicts someone.
Jail/prison is completely unbiblical. At no point does God's law call for incarceration.
If a person knows they're going to be executed in the morning they're going to have all night to think about what they need to think about. I'm all for putting a quality gospel track and Bible in their cell and having a pastor come speak with them.
You're not giving the victims closure So they can feel justice has been done and they can heal and move on with their lives by letting them sit in jail. You're also allowing their crimes to fall out of the memory of the public mind in that time. The way you deter crime in large part, is the fear of justice.
It also costs taxpayers between $100,000 to $200,000 a year to keep someone on death row.
As for your last point, I've already addressed that. If someone that brings a false accusation or suppresses evidence can receive the exact same punishment and we hold to that, you will see a very different landscape of justice. Also our standard of evidence needs to be two to three independent lines of testimony or evidence. It needs to be a solid case.
Although it needs to be said on why jails and prison systems are developed centuries ago, and it mostly comes about the impracticalities of (over)use of the death penalty.
Around the time the prison system was developed in Europe around the end of the middle ages, there is a growing popular opposition to the death penalty as it was being very much used in cases where it is an overkill punishment (like petty theft or counterfeiting playing cards), to the point where juries will refuse to convict criminals for crimes where death is the sentence (and they feel it is overkill).
Also, over-punishing of even minor crimes will create a perverse incentive for petty criminals to commit more serious crimes to maximize potential gain (like murdering witnesses or police officers), therefore (ironically) increasing quantity and severity of crime levels. Ever wonder why we have the English idiom "in for the penny, in for the pound"? It is because of knowledge of this perverse incentive is well known back then.
Therefore, the prison system was set up as a "humane" and reasonable punishment to address practical issues with society.
Is it biblical? Well, while the Bible does not prescribe jailing as punishment, it does not prohibit it. And we want our God-chosen governments to come up with practical solutions to society's problems. And this is the practical solution they come up with.
We should try to closely reflect and align are justice system with God's Word whenever possible and there are many places we haven't even attempted to do that.
Restitution to the victims for things like theft or damages for example instead of incarceration.
Scripture calls for the victim to be paid back threefold what was taken from them or destroyed. The perpetrator could either come work that dead off for the victim or we could have some type of Job corps apprenticeship type program or work pool where someone could work off their debt and learn valuable skills.
But even keeping a person in regular jail or prison cost typically between 40,000 and $60,000 a year.
This in turn makes every single taxpayer victim as these taxes are essentially stolen from others at threat of violence to feed, clothes, and house people for crimes that in many cases are completely victimless and in other cases could be mediated or solved via restitution.
I don't have any answer as to exactly what it would look like but the fact is we haven't tried and if we did step out in faith and tried to hold to God's word and God's standard than God would bless that and make it work.
Prison system on the other hand will never work. Banishment however.... Now that's something I can get behind and has a basis in scripture.
I am okay with there being a little bit of time on death row. Not decades like now, but maybe a year.
It gives time for the guilty to change their mind and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ before death. It also gives some time for things to come out incase a prosecutor like Kamala falsely convicts someone.
Jail/prison is completely unbiblical. At no point does God's law call for incarceration.
If a person knows they're going to be executed in the morning they're going to have all night to think about what they need to think about. I'm all for putting a quality gospel track and Bible in their cell and having a pastor come speak with them.
You're not giving the victims closure So they can feel justice has been done and they can heal and move on with their lives by letting them sit in jail. You're also allowing their crimes to fall out of the memory of the public mind in that time. The way you deter crime in large part, is the fear of justice.
It also costs taxpayers between $100,000 to $200,000 a year to keep someone on death row.
As for your last point, I've already addressed that. If someone that brings a false accusation or suppresses evidence can receive the exact same punishment and we hold to that, you will see a very different landscape of justice. Also our standard of evidence needs to be two to three independent lines of testimony or evidence. It needs to be a solid case.
Although it needs to be said on why jails and prison systems are developed centuries ago, and it mostly comes about the impracticalities of (over)use of the death penalty.
Around the time the prison system was developed in Europe around the end of the middle ages, there is a growing popular opposition to the death penalty as it was being very much used in cases where it is an overkill punishment (like petty theft or counterfeiting playing cards), to the point where juries will refuse to convict criminals for crimes where death is the sentence (and they feel it is overkill).
Also, over-punishing of even minor crimes will create a perverse incentive for petty criminals to commit more serious crimes to maximize potential gain (like murdering witnesses or police officers), therefore (ironically) increasing quantity and severity of crime levels. Ever wonder why we have the English idiom "in for the penny, in for the pound"? It is because of knowledge of this perverse incentive is well known back then.
Therefore, the prison system was set up as a "humane" and reasonable punishment to address practical issues with society.
Is it biblical? Well, while the Bible does not prescribe jailing as punishment, it does not prohibit it. And we want our God-chosen governments to come up with practical solutions to society's problems. And this is the practical solution they come up with.
We should try to closely reflect and align are justice system with God's Word whenever possible and there are many places we haven't even attempted to do that.
Restitution to the victims for things like theft or damages for example instead of incarceration.
Scripture calls for the victim to be paid back threefold what was taken from them or destroyed. The perpetrator could either come work that dead off for the victim or we could have some type of Job corps apprenticeship type program or work pool where someone could work off their debt and learn valuable skills.
But even keeping a person in regular jail or prison cost typically between 40,000 and $60,000 a year.
This in turn makes every single taxpayer victim as these taxes are essentially stolen from others at threat of violence to feed, clothes, and house people for crimes that in many cases are completely victimless and in other cases could be mediated or solved via restitution.
I don't have any answer as to exactly what it would look like but the fact is we haven't tried and if we did step out in faith and tried to hold to God's word and God's standard than God would bless that and make it work.
Prison system on the other hand will never work. Banishment however.... Now that's something I can get behind and has a basis in scripture.
"Growing popular opposition" does not matter.
God says no.
Therefore no.