posted ago by jhartz39 ago by jhartz39 +362 / -0

This is a wonderful speech, it highlights the fact the liberal government is our enemy. It also highlights the growing concerns of many Americans, chemicals in our foods and vaccines and RFK's promise to work within the Trump admin to eliminate these bioweapons from our lives. If you go to the 1:06 mark, he begins to explain the intentional chemical poisoning of the American people. At the very end, he speaks how it will be his and Trump's legacy to eliminate the biohazards from our lives.


Back when people were questioning Trump's connection to the covid vaccine rollout and trying to place blame for the mounting side effects, I saw what might be the shit hit the fan moment we all needed. You can't tell them, you have to show them.

I predicted the covid vaccine disaster would take us in a direction that saved humanity. We were being poisoned and we were poisoning our children, we needed something to slap us across the face and wake us up. Autism rates were creeping up very slowly, slow enough it didn't cause societal concern. However, each year the epidemic of Autism slowly and steadily climbed. This is the legacy of the current FDA, NIH and vaccine industry. Trump's legacy will be that he brough the temple down on their heads.

Here is my post from Jan 2022. RFK's speech today gives me hope for our future. I can stop worrying about my children's future and the ever-encroaching chemical soup they will be exposed to.


A big thank you to RFK, President Trump, the Q team and anons. Exposing the evil was the first step, makes cleaning it up that much easier.

God Bless!!