The value of 1 whole coin goes up. This in turn means you need fewer amounts of a coin to purchase things. Just like gold, the price goes up when supply is short. When new supply is added (mined), the value goes down slightly. As time goes on, there is less and less available to mine until eventually all of it is mined. At that point, 1 ounce of gold could be worth $100k, which means buying a house would take 2 ouncesof gold. It's not as if the gold is useless when all of it is mined right?
The value of 1 whole coin goes up. This in turn means you need fewer amounts of a coin to purchase things. Just like gold, the price goes up when supply is short. When new supply is added (mined), the value goes down slightly. As time goes on, there is less and less available to mine until eventually all of it is mined. At that point, 1 ounce of gold could be worth $100k, which means buying a house would take 2 ouncesof gold. It's not as if the gold is useless when all of it is mined right?
What happens when the central banks use their artificial money to purchase majority of these artificial coins?
Soros, Rothschilds, etc already have infinite money. There's a reason they can't just purchase majority of major coins
EP 13848
Yes, the cabal used to have infinite money…past tense