I have a suspicion she will say she's going to do it, and at the last minute bail out for some "catastrophe".
She wants people to keep thinking she has the balls to debate Trump for as long as possible. She is quite stupid, but smart enough to know she'll be a dork debating him.
It is impossible for the moron harris to debate Trump and They Know it. The MSM is trying to FIX the debate like they Fixed the 2020 election and then swear they didn't.
She could only do 18 minutes with a friendly CNN "journalist," and with Walz helping her along... how's she gonna manage 90 minutes face to face with PDJT?
I have a suspicion she will say she's going to do it, and at the last minute bail out for some "catastrophe".
She wants people to keep thinking she has the balls to debate Trump for as long as possible. She is quite stupid, but smart enough to know she'll be a dork debating him.
She'll come down with Covid and a pre-recorded tape will be played as her answering questions "live".
I was about to say that. You beat me to it.
Either that or she will debate him and they will replace her.
They better use a better "double" than this one: No white in the eyes and different teeth: https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.WgAnfxI_xsabYlxUk8DqkAHaG-&pid=Api
Wonky mask: https://data.ibtimes.sg/en/full/65287/kamala-harris-skin.jpg
This is what to expect: https://x.com/GuntherEagleman/status/1829206521831719264
The dog is very confused. LOL
🐶 https://i.imgflip.com/1yicu3.jpg
They bent every rule they could for killary and joetard so I get why scamala is asking.
LOL. Exactly.
It is impossible for the moron harris to debate Trump and They Know it. The MSM is trying to FIX the debate like they Fixed the 2020 election and then swear they didn't.
I just want to know how she passed the Bar to become an attorney or prosecuting attorney?
LMAO. Knee pads.
Same as those used in rollerblade.
Well worn.
I am sure.
You BOTH are ALMOST right...the knee pads were made out of Fiberglass...
The reason: so she could slide faster....😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂
Here's what I'm talking about: https://www.homedepot.com/b/Safety-Equipment-Knee-Pads/TOUGHBUILT/N-5yc1vZc220Zdiv
This is easily going to rival the last one for worst debate of all time
Shit show.
For what purpose does she and Biden prefer to be seated?
So she can prevent being seen shitting her pants.
When under that much stress AND constantly lie all the time, the guts takes on that feeling of what brain-dead just espoused...
Watch her eyes and her mannerisms...there are micro-motions present when a person is lying and she isn't a very good lier!!!!Q
She could only do 18 minutes with a friendly CNN "journalist," and with Walz helping her along... how's she gonna manage 90 minutes face to face with PDJT?
Womp, womp.
Now we will see how she weasels out of the debate.
Covid, mpox or anything
The debate won't happen, you can count on it. She's going to get "covid".
Oh yes, Covid again.