I would love to see a Constitutional Amendment recognizing the right of the individual to own property, and that the government is prohibited from taking that property from citizens under any circumstances.
Then challenge state property taxes at the Federal level, and nullify any Eminent Domain laws.
The problem with property tax isn't that it's thievery, but that people don't realize it is thievery.
An act of war is any direct violation of someone's inalienable rights. Thievery is an act of war.
The solution then, is to simply declare war on Bill Gates and take all his shit. That's how Sovereign entities have been doing it since the beginning of humanity.
There is nothing wrong with war. It is a perfectly natural thing. If one entity has horded all the resources there are consequences. Those consequences are that other's will declare war on them and take the resources back.
The problem is that people don't understand that they are Sovereign entities. ALL PEOPLE (including Bill Gates) are Sovereign entities. They have the inalienable Right to defend their property, no matter how they got that property. Bill Gates did not get his farmland without fuckery, but he still has the Right to defend it. We The People can decide that he shouldn't have that land because of the fuckery he employed to gain it. We can then declare war on him and take it.
As Sovereign entities, we have the right to declare war. Such a declaration, and the intended result, are direct violations of another's Rights, but that is not always a bad thing (or rather, it is sometimes a "necessary evil" for social cohesion). Indeed, societies violate individuals Rights all the time. Every time someone goes to jail, or pays a fine, or pays taxes, or a thousand other things we think are "totally normal", that is exactly what is happening: direct violations of someone's Rights AKA acts of war. We push the responsibility of those violations of Rights off to "the government," or "the law," but they are still acts of war from one Sovereign entity onto another.
The shifting of responsibility is the fraud. The responsibility is on us. We are the people who violate another's Rights when society puts someone in jail. Such an act is an act of war, from We The People onto the Sovereign entity that is put in jail. We say, "they deserved it" if we believe they do in fact deserve it, but whether they do or not is irrelevant for this discussion. It is a direct violation of their Rights, no matter what justification we use for that act of war. Such acts of war may be necessary for social cohesion (put a murderer in jail to prevent future murders e.g.). The point is that we must learn to understand that we are the ones responsible for those acts of war, and that the person who is the target of such acts is just as much a Sovereign as those doing the acts. All men are created equallySovereign.
The same rationalization that we use to put a murderer in jail can be used for any act of war, including taking the farm land from a globalist pedophile who lied, cheated, stole, and murdered his way to his land ownership.
The problem with our systems of law and government is not that they are "bad"... well, that is a problem, but it's not the real problem. The real problem is that our systems of law and government obfuscate who exactly is responsible for actions, specifically these acts of war.
People don't understand what Sovereignty means (Ultimate Authority). They don't understand that they are Sovereign (every single one of us). They don't understand what their Jurisdiction is. They don't understand what their inalienable Rights are (such as the Right to Defend their property). They don't understand that there are always consequences for actions, no matter what the law is. Most importantly, they don't understand that the system of "law" that we have is specifically designed to ensure that the greedy can avoid consequences by hiding behind the scam we call "law" and "government".
Preach it!!!!
You never own your own land. You merely rent it from the government. I would like to see an amendment that eliminates property taxes.
I really got on that train when my Great Aunt had to keep selling off pieces of her farm just to pay the property taxes every year.
I would love to see a Constitutional Amendment recognizing the right of the individual to own property, and that the government is prohibited from taking that property from citizens under any circumstances.
Then challenge state property taxes at the Federal level, and nullify any Eminent Domain laws.
Agree but how to solve for all the farmland that has been bought up by Bill Gates etc?
The problem with property tax isn't that it's thievery, but that people don't realize it is thievery.
An act of war is any direct violation of someone's inalienable rights. Thievery is an act of war.
The solution then, is to simply declare war on Bill Gates and take all his shit. That's how Sovereign entities have been doing it since the beginning of humanity.
There is nothing wrong with war. It is a perfectly natural thing. If one entity has horded all the resources there are consequences. Those consequences are that other's will declare war on them and take the resources back.
The problem is that people don't understand that they are Sovereign entities. ALL PEOPLE (including Bill Gates) are Sovereign entities. They have the inalienable Right to defend their property, no matter how they got that property. Bill Gates did not get his farmland without fuckery, but he still has the Right to defend it. We The People can decide that he shouldn't have that land because of the fuckery he employed to gain it. We can then declare war on him and take it.
As Sovereign entities, we have the right to declare war. Such a declaration, and the intended result, are direct violations of another's Rights, but that is not always a bad thing (or rather, it is sometimes a "necessary evil" for social cohesion). Indeed, societies violate individuals Rights all the time. Every time someone goes to jail, or pays a fine, or pays taxes, or a thousand other things we think are "totally normal", that is exactly what is happening: direct violations of someone's Rights AKA acts of war. We push the responsibility of those violations of Rights off to "the government," or "the law," but they are still acts of war from one Sovereign entity onto another.
The shifting of responsibility is the fraud. The responsibility is on us. We are the people who violate another's Rights when society puts someone in jail. Such an act is an act of war, from We The People onto the Sovereign entity that is put in jail. We say, "they deserved it" if we believe they do in fact deserve it, but whether they do or not is irrelevant for this discussion. It is a direct violation of their Rights, no matter what justification we use for that act of war. Such acts of war may be necessary for social cohesion (put a murderer in jail to prevent future murders e.g.). The point is that we must learn to understand that we are the ones responsible for those acts of war, and that the person who is the target of such acts is just as much a Sovereign as those doing the acts. All men are created equally Sovereign.
The same rationalization that we use to put a murderer in jail can be used for any act of war, including taking the farm land from a globalist pedophile who lied, cheated, stole, and murdered his way to his land ownership.
The problem with our systems of law and government is not that they are "bad"... well, that is a problem, but it's not the real problem. The real problem is that our systems of law and government obfuscate who exactly is responsible for actions, specifically these acts of war.
People don't understand what Sovereignty means (Ultimate Authority). They don't understand that they are Sovereign (every single one of us). They don't understand what their Jurisdiction is. They don't understand what their inalienable Rights are (such as the Right to Defend their property). They don't understand that there are always consequences for actions, no matter what the law is. Most importantly, they don't understand that the system of "law" that we have is specifically designed to ensure that the greedy can avoid consequences by hiding behind the scam we call "law" and "government".
Slyver you fricken' ROCK! Wish there were more folks thinking like you...