That is what I always suspected. Apartment buildings don't just "suddenly" like that. Something or someone was a target and I believe it was McAfee-related.
I saw that recently. I thought I had saved it, but couldn't find it. The security camera from the building next door shows a bunch of bright flashes on the lower floor of the condo (explosions?) right before the whole thing simply collapsed to dust on itself.
it was very strange. nothing to see here. was around the time for deadman switch. and there was a massive internet outtage around the same time.
remember that building in florida that did a wtc-7 move. was that to keep the deadmans switch from triggering the release?
Oh shit I forgot about that conspiracy...
That mossad pulled THAT building because that's allegedly where mccaffe had his Deadman switch.
I posted about this topic months ago but am only on phone for a week so I can't do a deep dive right now .
But yes, Israel collapsed that apartment to stop the info from coming out and blamed it in "cracks in the cement". Sure.
Yes, didn't it fall on it's own footprint like wtc-7? Edit... Weird right?
That is what I always suspected. Apartment buildings don't just "suddenly" like that. Something or someone was a target and I believe it was McAfee-related.
I saw that recently. I thought I had saved it, but couldn't find it. The security camera from the building next door shows a bunch of bright flashes on the lower floor of the condo (explosions?) right before the whole thing simply collapsed to dust on itself.
it was very strange. nothing to see here. was around the time for deadman switch. and there was a massive internet outtage around the same time.