All sorts of forewarned - it seems nearly every site discussing QFS is blended with some mixture of dooming via mark of the beast microchips, 666, Nesara, michael Jackson, jesus juice/bible thumping or some other horseshit other than the meat of QFS.
Bitcoin isn't digital gold and it's bot a savior of anything. Ask yourself, if cryptos were so amazing and valuable why is it that only bitcoin is going up? There are thousands of cryptos. Why only bitcoin? They should all go up right?
I don’t buy any gold-backed stablecoin” story.
Why? Because it’d be another version of CBDC:
You buy the digits.
The government keeps the gold (if you believe there’s any).
You then commit a wrong-think and what you’re left with? The digits?
I will believe in gold-backed currency when I will hear it’s sound.
Word. We've already been down this road with paper. Why anyone believes it'll "be different this time" is beyond me.
Catherine Austin Fitts has talked about QFS being implemented at banks for several years now. I don't know what that means for us or when
What does she say about QFS? Is it a swamp run enterprise?
All sorts of forewarned - it seems nearly every site discussing QFS is blended with some mixture of dooming via mark of the beast microchips, 666, Nesara, michael Jackson, jesus juice/bible thumping or some other horseshit other than the meat of QFS.
I'll spare you the other bs ... which appears worse than real raw news...
PAX Gold already exists and hasn't bankrupted the United States yet, lol
Good that you said „yet”.
Read this real story:
It's hard to use gold for cross border payments or buying things online.
I stopped reading at "You want digital gold. Bitcoin IS that." The bitcoin 'tards are everywhere.
Bitcoin isn't digital gold and it's bot a savior of anything. Ask yourself, if cryptos were so amazing and valuable why is it that only bitcoin is going up? There are thousands of cryptos. Why only bitcoin? They should all go up right?