The absolute violation of everything human about being a human.
WARNING: NSFW - skip this part about what should happen to rapists
OK. So, IMHO the best treatment for a 100% zero-doubt, proven, confessed or caught in the act rapist (because the treatment is irreversible) involves his final memory being the sight and taste of his own amputated gonads, followed by instant death.
Instead of desecrating his corpse (because that would be barbaric! :), he gets his offending genitalia chopped off and rubbed vigorously in his face while still alive; then, with the taste of his own nuts and blood in his mouth and that look of horror still contorting his face, he gets the cattle stun gun to the back of the skull. Bang! R.I.P. (Rot in Perpetuity).
Still relatively humane, but super degrading and strongly deterrent.
That grotesque, blood-drenched face of stark terror is the one he's wearing on arrival at the gates of hell.
More than a few men have been wrongfully charged with rape. Get drunk and make a stupid decision? Rape. Decide to cheat on boyfriend? Rape. Break up with a boyfriend, rape.
There is no consequence to a woman for wrongfully accusing a man of rape. He may lose his job, have his family relationships, his marriage; everything is on the table. When it simply may be a vengeful accusation
I'm including adult rape in your list too.
The absolute violation of everything human about being a human.
WARNING: NSFW - skip this part about what should happen to rapists
OK. So, IMHO the best treatment for a 100% zero-doubt, proven, confessed or caught in the act rapist (because the treatment is irreversible) involves his final memory being the sight and taste of his own amputated gonads, followed by instant death.
Instead of desecrating his corpse (because that would be barbaric! :), he gets his offending genitalia chopped off and rubbed vigorously in his face while still alive; then, with the taste of his own nuts and blood in his mouth and that look of horror still contorting his face, he gets the cattle stun gun to the back of the skull. Bang! R.I.P. (Rot in Perpetuity).
Still relatively humane, but super degrading and strongly deterrent.
That grotesque, blood-drenched face of stark terror is the one he's wearing on arrival at the gates of hell.
Too many women falsify rape
hence the disclaimer
More than a few men have been wrongfully charged with rape. Get drunk and make a stupid decision? Rape. Decide to cheat on boyfriend? Rape. Break up with a boyfriend, rape.
There is no consequence to a woman for wrongfully accusing a man of rape. He may lose his job, have his family relationships, his marriage; everything is on the table. When it simply may be a vengeful accusation
hence the disclaimer in my remark about confessed or caught in the act...
If that were the punishment, no one in their right mind would ever confess.