One of the reasons I joined FM was to see what it was all about.
99.9% of the FM's I know are just there for the social aspect and to do their bit for charity. I've hardly met any that either understand or put the effort into understanding some of the allegories/rituals.
There is always the chance that there are side degrees that involve going further down some kind of nefarious path, but if that's the case I don't know anything about it, so how the hell do other people?
"I was just following orders" didn't fly in the past either. Ignorance is not a weapon, it's a weakness that many people use to protect themselves from "inconvenient" truths.
Whether they tell you or not, the FM worship lucifer, a fact that is hidden from lower level members. They only share that fact with higher level members they're pretty sure will accept it and not divulge it.
Just because you haven't been informed of that fact doesn't mean it isn't the case. Do some research on the topic with an open mind and see how you feel afterward.
I know, right?
One of the reasons I joined FM was to see what it was all about.
99.9% of the FM's I know are just there for the social aspect and to do their bit for charity. I've hardly met any that either understand or put the effort into understanding some of the allegories/rituals.
There is always the chance that there are side degrees that involve going further down some kind of nefarious path, but if that's the case I don't know anything about it, so how the hell do other people?
"I was a mailman for the USPS, so I worked for the government. That means since I never saw corruption, there cannot be corruption in Congress!!!"
"I was just following orders" didn't fly in the past either. Ignorance is not a weapon, it's a weakness that many people use to protect themselves from "inconvenient" truths.
Whether they tell you or not, the FM worship lucifer, a fact that is hidden from lower level members. They only share that fact with higher level members they're pretty sure will accept it and not divulge it.
Just because you haven't been informed of that fact doesn't mean it isn't the case. Do some research on the topic with an open mind and see how you feel afterward.
Are you able to explain to me what is 'higher level' vs 'lower level' in this context?