It's actually really simple. Men's sports take in millions and millions more of revenue than female sports - just the facts. The women's percentage of pay is actually a LOT higher than then men, but the pool from which the money comes from is significantly smaller.
As for non sports; how many women do you see up on the power lines, in the sewers, working on high rise building construction, etc. If women really want equal pay, do the equal job with equal results.
Certain occupations can be equal in pay. But you cannot put a female onto the front line of Denver Broncos and expect the same results of a male. Just will not happen. Now, nurses in a hospital are equal, same with personal assisstants. Yet there are jobs that are meant to be filled by men and jobs meant to be filled by women. Sure, there are rare instances when cross over can occur, but that is very limited in scope. Can your average female become a roofer and do well in it? I don't know, but I think that type of job/career is more suited for a male. Same as a firefighter. I was watching a house burn a couple of doors down from my own house and observed the female fire fighter having trouble putting on her fire gear. It seemed to me that the jacket was bulky, heavy, and just hard for her to get on. Why was that? Could a man of the same physical build have had the same problem? IDK, but maybe the gal just wasn't equiped with the muscles she needed to do the donning of the jacket. JMTC
While completely true, I believe the average stats show women's rallies are longer, due to them not being able to hit nearly as many winners or completely dominate a service game like the guys do.
In my case, back in the early 70's, the male orderlies were paid more than the female nurses aides. I worked in a catholic hospital in NYC, St Clares. I asked the head nurse, who was a nun, why that was. She told me that men had to support a family. I argued that was not fair, because the male orderlies did not have to tend to both sexes of patients, while I had to. As far as lifting heavy patients, there were so few orderlies, us girls had to team together to do it anyway. I have the bad back to prove it. So, in the case of patient care, it is much different than professional sports, where the big money is in mens sports, or in construction and like minded labor. The healthcare business has changed, and now all aides are paid equally.
While us girls were washing, feeding, changing beds, of both the men and the women patients, the orderlies were assigned only some of the men, but of course, no women patients, they often sat at the nurses station until they were called to help somewhere else. The workload was over all, less on them. You come on duty and get handed a list of rooms and patients that are your responsibility for your shift, there was no housekeeping back then, the aides did all personal care and bed changes. The two guys were given a list of only a few men that they thought the gals could not handle. So overall, my list would be 5-7 people, both sexes, the orderlies had 3-4.seems it worked out even regarding work, plus the female staff did more grooming for the patients, if they wanted some make up on or their nails done, we also were given the old men who had accidents in their beds, there was one orderly who got away with not dealing with it because the poor thing would gag if he had to clean poop.
These types of questions need to be put back on the idiot asking them. When I was a child, as long as my mom had checks, she had money. pretty much the same childish way of thinking about money.
It's actually really simple. Men's sports take in millions and millions more of revenue than female sports - just the facts. The women's percentage of pay is actually a LOT higher than then men, but the pool from which the money comes from is significantly smaller.
As for non sports; how many women do you see up on the power lines, in the sewers, working on high rise building construction, etc. If women really want equal pay, do the equal job with equal results.
Certain occupations can be equal in pay. But you cannot put a female onto the front line of Denver Broncos and expect the same results of a male. Just will not happen. Now, nurses in a hospital are equal, same with personal assisstants. Yet there are jobs that are meant to be filled by men and jobs meant to be filled by women. Sure, there are rare instances when cross over can occur, but that is very limited in scope. Can your average female become a roofer and do well in it? I don't know, but I think that type of job/career is more suited for a male. Same as a firefighter. I was watching a house burn a couple of doors down from my own house and observed the female fire fighter having trouble putting on her fire gear. It seemed to me that the jacket was bulky, heavy, and just hard for her to get on. Why was that? Could a man of the same physical build have had the same problem? IDK, but maybe the gal just wasn't equiped with the muscles she needed to do the donning of the jacket. JMTC
Also we recently watched a female SS agent try to holster her gun into her badge. kek
Good response, but also should have asked the reporter why aren't woman playing best 3-5 sets like the men.... crickets.
While completely true, I believe the average stats show women's rallies are longer, due to them not being able to hit nearly as many winners or completely dominate a service game like the guys do.
Update: I researched this and found an interesting research paper on the topic from the Australian Open 2017. Rally length and average point duration were similar between men and women. They should make the women go to the best of 5 format.
How come?
In my case, back in the early 70's, the male orderlies were paid more than the female nurses aides. I worked in a catholic hospital in NYC, St Clares. I asked the head nurse, who was a nun, why that was. She told me that men had to support a family. I argued that was not fair, because the male orderlies did not have to tend to both sexes of patients, while I had to. As far as lifting heavy patients, there were so few orderlies, us girls had to team together to do it anyway. I have the bad back to prove it. So, in the case of patient care, it is much different than professional sports, where the big money is in mens sports, or in construction and like minded labor. The healthcare business has changed, and now all aides are paid equally.
"Us girls had to team together"
.... so you wanted equal pay for a job it took two of you to do, that a lone man did? (asking for a friend)
While us girls were washing, feeding, changing beds, of both the men and the women patients, the orderlies were assigned only some of the men, but of course, no women patients, they often sat at the nurses station until they were called to help somewhere else. The workload was over all, less on them. You come on duty and get handed a list of rooms and patients that are your responsibility for your shift, there was no housekeeping back then, the aides did all personal care and bed changes. The two guys were given a list of only a few men that they thought the gals could not handle. So overall, my list would be 5-7 people, both sexes, the orderlies had 3-4.seems it worked out even regarding work, plus the female staff did more grooming for the patients, if they wanted some make up on or their nails done, we also were given the old men who had accidents in their beds, there was one orderly who got away with not dealing with it because the poor thing would gag if he had to clean poop.
Jokes. Jokes. Jokes.
These types of questions need to be put back on the idiot asking them. When I was a child, as long as my mom had checks, she had money. pretty much the same childish way of thinking about money.