It's a fascinating area with a rich and powerful history. There is a great video talk by Augusto Zimmermann about the Christian foundations of common law, interviewed by Dave Pellow.
One of the key aspects in common law and its development that really caught my imagination was the shift in reasoning that emerged in Christian England with the Magna Carta.
Prior to this point, there was a concept (outside of Israel) that king's get to decide laws, and so what they decide IS the law, but what emerged in England on the Christian foundation was that in fact, God's laws exist before man made laws, and that a king was the instrument to express those laws, and therefore could not rightfully make any law that contradicted those transcendent laws of God.
i.e. a king can only make laws that are derived from God's laws, and thus is not a power unto himself, but is subject to God and God's laws.
There is a direct line of reasoning and understanding from these points to the US constitution which, by and large, was a codification of the common law in to a consistent legal document defining the framework for the relationship between living men and woman and their government(s).
Thanks for that video. I only gathered this connection from various things I was digging into, seeing a more formal discussion about this would be great. Adding to my watch list
I have always wondered about Magna Carta. I think it had both WH & BH influences. It delivered people from tyranny, but at the same time, set up stage for usurping the monarchy.
Here is, in a very truncated and overly simplified version, of how I see things.
Because of the fall of our human ancestors, humanbeings became not only the children of God, but also the dwelling place of evil. Originally, human beings were only ever meant to have goodness, to perfect that goodness, and manifest God's nature. But the Fall, meant that our original ancestors, the first parents, inherited evil in addition to their God-given nature, which remained immature and incomplete, being derailed by the Fall event.
To fix the situation, God was forced to develop a modified version of his original creation blueprint so that it could fix and restore humanity. So, he divided Adam (now the womb of both good and evil), symbolically into relative evil (Cain) and relative good (Abel).
If Cain had humbled himself to Abel, this would symbolically reverse the fall (where the Angel spiritually murdered Adam, instead of humbling himself to Adam), and on that basis God would send his Son as the 2nd Adam, to give rebirth to the offspring of A&E.
So, in all things, from the viewpoint of God's work to restore humanity, history has been the history of "Cain / Abel" conflict, where both of these aspects are at work and at conflict in humanity, whether as individuals (our true original nature and conscience vs our fallen nature), families, clans, tribes, nations, etc.
The manifestation of this in the 20th century was the Democracy vs Communism cold war, where "Democracy", centering on America, was Abel and Communism, centering on the USSR, was Cain.
When the USSR collapsed, it signified the victory of Abel over Cain, and there was an amazing opportunity to usher in an era free and liberated from Satanic influence. But, sadly, during the Cold War, satanic influences infiltrated America and the West, so when the USSR collapsed, instead of America uplifting and supporting the newly liberated Russian people, they turned their backs on them and worked how to gain hegemony via Nato, etc. Putin explains this aspect in his interview with Tucker.
Anyway, point is, the world is now flame on a more advanced level beyond the cold War. In each nation there is a Cain camp (DS, globalism, Neo-Marxism, etc) fighting against an Abel camp (the Patriots, God-affirming, freedom ad truth loving people). And, we see even in different stratas. There are "abel-type" elites like DJT and Musk, etc, and there are Cain -type elites, like Schwab, like Gates, etc.
I think that the Magna Carta was a step forward in a long process of God building the foundation for America, which he established as the best model preceding his "kingdom" on the Earth, the pinnacle for the last 2000 years of Christian civilization (which itself is the pinnacle for all religious civilization, because Christianity teaches more clearly about God's nature as a Father of love than any other religion).
But until "kingdom come", there will always be a mixed bag and aspect to what we humans do, so on one level, perhaps one might say the Magna Carta had both WH and BH input, but that's because it reflects our own human situation. But it was a big step forward, as far as I can see.
The problem with Monarchy is that until Christ returns to establish his kingship on earth (in whatever form that may take), monarchs are Abel type and Cain type, relatively good and relatively evil, but none are fully one or the other. And so, as history has unfolded, God needed to breakdown the influence of monarchy in order to step forward, because all people are meant to become coheirs with Christ, and kings and queens in our own jurisdiction, aka our own families, clans, etc.
If you look at how the history of Israel unfolded politically (tribalism > feudalism . monarchy > reformed 'democratic' religious society) Christianity has followed a similar path.
Wow, did I say truncated and simplified version? It appears my verbosity knows no limits! Ah well, its a topic I feel very drawn to...
It's a fascinating area with a rich and powerful history. There is a great video talk by Augusto Zimmermann about the Christian foundations of common law, interviewed by Dave Pellow.
One of the key aspects in common law and its development that really caught my imagination was the shift in reasoning that emerged in Christian England with the Magna Carta.
Prior to this point, there was a concept (outside of Israel) that king's get to decide laws, and so what they decide IS the law, but what emerged in England on the Christian foundation was that in fact, God's laws exist before man made laws, and that a king was the instrument to express those laws, and therefore could not rightfully make any law that contradicted those transcendent laws of God.
i.e. a king can only make laws that are derived from God's laws, and thus is not a power unto himself, but is subject to God and God's laws.
There is a direct line of reasoning and understanding from these points to the US constitution which, by and large, was a codification of the common law in to a consistent legal document defining the framework for the relationship between living men and woman and their government(s).
Thanks for that video. I only gathered this connection from various things I was digging into, seeing a more formal discussion about this would be great. Adding to my watch list
I have always wondered about Magna Carta. I think it had both WH & BH influences. It delivered people from tyranny, but at the same time, set up stage for usurping the monarchy.
Here is, in a very truncated and overly simplified version, of how I see things.
Because of the fall of our human ancestors, humanbeings became not only the children of God, but also the dwelling place of evil. Originally, human beings were only ever meant to have goodness, to perfect that goodness, and manifest God's nature. But the Fall, meant that our original ancestors, the first parents, inherited evil in addition to their God-given nature, which remained immature and incomplete, being derailed by the Fall event.
To fix the situation, God was forced to develop a modified version of his original creation blueprint so that it could fix and restore humanity. So, he divided Adam (now the womb of both good and evil), symbolically into relative evil (Cain) and relative good (Abel).
If Cain had humbled himself to Abel, this would symbolically reverse the fall (where the Angel spiritually murdered Adam, instead of humbling himself to Adam), and on that basis God would send his Son as the 2nd Adam, to give rebirth to the offspring of A&E.
So, in all things, from the viewpoint of God's work to restore humanity, history has been the history of "Cain / Abel" conflict, where both of these aspects are at work and at conflict in humanity, whether as individuals (our true original nature and conscience vs our fallen nature), families, clans, tribes, nations, etc.
The manifestation of this in the 20th century was the Democracy vs Communism cold war, where "Democracy", centering on America, was Abel and Communism, centering on the USSR, was Cain.
When the USSR collapsed, it signified the victory of Abel over Cain, and there was an amazing opportunity to usher in an era free and liberated from Satanic influence. But, sadly, during the Cold War, satanic influences infiltrated America and the West, so when the USSR collapsed, instead of America uplifting and supporting the newly liberated Russian people, they turned their backs on them and worked how to gain hegemony via Nato, etc. Putin explains this aspect in his interview with Tucker.
Anyway, point is, the world is now flame on a more advanced level beyond the cold War. In each nation there is a Cain camp (DS, globalism, Neo-Marxism, etc) fighting against an Abel camp (the Patriots, God-affirming, freedom ad truth loving people). And, we see even in different stratas. There are "abel-type" elites like DJT and Musk, etc, and there are Cain -type elites, like Schwab, like Gates, etc.
I think that the Magna Carta was a step forward in a long process of God building the foundation for America, which he established as the best model preceding his "kingdom" on the Earth, the pinnacle for the last 2000 years of Christian civilization (which itself is the pinnacle for all religious civilization, because Christianity teaches more clearly about God's nature as a Father of love than any other religion).
But until "kingdom come", there will always be a mixed bag and aspect to what we humans do, so on one level, perhaps one might say the Magna Carta had both WH and BH input, but that's because it reflects our own human situation. But it was a big step forward, as far as I can see.
The problem with Monarchy is that until Christ returns to establish his kingship on earth (in whatever form that may take), monarchs are Abel type and Cain type, relatively good and relatively evil, but none are fully one or the other. And so, as history has unfolded, God needed to breakdown the influence of monarchy in order to step forward, because all people are meant to become coheirs with Christ, and kings and queens in our own jurisdiction, aka our own families, clans, etc.
If you look at how the history of Israel unfolded politically (tribalism > feudalism . monarchy > reformed 'democratic' religious society) Christianity has followed a similar path.
Wow, did I say truncated and simplified version? It appears my verbosity knows no limits! Ah well, its a topic I feel very drawn to...