This is bigger than most people realize, and this dude is spot on. We can't transition from the Fiat based beast financial system into a free financial system without some fundamental shift in thinking. Most fundamental of all: The only laws that apply to humans are the Biblical laws derived from the commandments.
Thou shalt not steal
All taxes are violations of this commandment and hence against God's Law (or Natural Law).
Only commercial entities and transactions can be taxed - hence custom duties, tariffs, etc. Sales taxes are also under this, hence so many countries transitioned into the VAT/GST system over the past 10-20 years.
But income tax, inheritance tax, property tax, death tax - all those are against the God's Laws.
Joe Lange is a good follow -- on Twitter and substack. If you read his 3 part Master and Commander series you will recognize the steps Trump has already taken that move us toward the conditions described in this twitter thread.
Agreed. I just followed him after this post. If President Trump is elected... his saying "the best is yet to come" could quite literally become true. A legitimate reason for hope and optimism for the future.
What converges with this perspective is the viewpoint of common law. Under common law, living men and woman are not taxable entities. Living men and women create government, and government creates laws to cover commercial aka corporate entities.
A corporation is a "legal person". In other words, it is not a natural living being.
The satanic fiat system is built on an inversion of natural law. Corporations control governments, and governments control men and women. But the original order is that the creator has sovereignty, so men and women are meant to control government, and governments are then meant to control corporations (non-living entities).
Common Law is infact the judicial interpretation of the customs followed from antiquity, which was infact based on the commandments!
So common law is the practical version of the God's Law. And yes, we as humans are only subject to Common Law unless we consent to act as another entity.
It's a fascinating area with a rich and powerful history. There is a great video talk by Augusto Zimmermann about the Christian foundations of common law, interviewed by Dave Pellow.
One of the key aspects in common law and its development that really caught my imagination was the shift in reasoning that emerged in Christian England with the Magna Carta.
Prior to this point, there was a concept (outside of Israel) that king's get to decide laws, and so what they decide IS the law, but what emerged in England on the Christian foundation was that in fact, God's laws exist before man made laws, and that a king was the instrument to express those laws, and therefore could not rightfully make any law that contradicted those transcendent laws of God.
i.e. a king can only make laws that are derived from God's laws, and thus is not a power unto himself, but is subject to God and God's laws.
There is a direct line of reasoning and understanding from these points to the US constitution which, by and large, was a codification of the common law in to a consistent legal document defining the framework for the relationship between living men and woman and their government(s).
Thanks for that video. I only gathered this connection from various things I was digging into, seeing a more formal discussion about this would be great. Adding to my watch list
I have always wondered about Magna Carta. I think it had both WH & BH influences. It delivered people from tyranny, but at the same time, set up stage for usurping the monarchy.
Coming late to this party...but remember how the Founders of this Republic set things up so that corporate charters were sunsetted after 7 years maximum?
They could only be extended by the will of the people. I'm oversimplifying--there were pitched battles between Federalists and Anti-Federalists on this (and among my Revolutionary War era ancestors, we had some of each!).
An incorporated entity existed to do a particular project or task. Then was dissolved. They were not intended to become "legal persons" with more rights than God's People AND The Undead to boot!
This is bigger than most people realize, and this dude is spot on. We can't transition from the Fiat based beast financial system into a free financial system without some fundamental shift in thinking. Most fundamental of all: The only laws that apply to humans are the Biblical laws derived from the commandments.
All taxes are violations of this commandment and hence against God's Law (or Natural Law).
Only commercial entities and transactions can be taxed - hence custom duties, tariffs, etc. Sales taxes are also under this, hence so many countries transitioned into the VAT/GST system over the past 10-20 years.
But income tax, inheritance tax, property tax, death tax - all those are against the God's Laws.
Joe Lange is a good follow -- on Twitter and substack. If you read his 3 part Master and Commander series you will recognize the steps Trump has already taken that move us toward the conditions described in this twitter thread.
Agreed. I just followed him after this post. If President Trump is elected... his saying "the best is yet to come" could quite literally become true. A legitimate reason for hope and optimism for the future.
Wow, where is his Substack? thanks.
Here are the first three substacks by Joe that got me hooked. Hes one of the best. Start with these three and decide for yourself.
And the homepage:
He usually confirms the conclusions I have come to independently and adds the substance and logic I lack.
Here you go :
I do like your comments and they are usually what I want to say. God bless
Blessings to you fren! Thank you!
Taxation is theft, and always has been.
What converges with this perspective is the viewpoint of common law. Under common law, living men and woman are not taxable entities. Living men and women create government, and government creates laws to cover commercial aka corporate entities.
A corporation is a "legal person". In other words, it is not a natural living being.
The satanic fiat system is built on an inversion of natural law. Corporations control governments, and governments control men and women. But the original order is that the creator has sovereignty, so men and women are meant to control government, and governments are then meant to control corporations (non-living entities).
Common Law is infact the judicial interpretation of the customs followed from antiquity, which was infact based on the commandments!
So common law is the practical version of the God's Law. And yes, we as humans are only subject to Common Law unless we consent to act as another entity.
It's a fascinating area with a rich and powerful history. There is a great video talk by Augusto Zimmermann about the Christian foundations of common law, interviewed by Dave Pellow.
One of the key aspects in common law and its development that really caught my imagination was the shift in reasoning that emerged in Christian England with the Magna Carta.
Prior to this point, there was a concept (outside of Israel) that king's get to decide laws, and so what they decide IS the law, but what emerged in England on the Christian foundation was that in fact, God's laws exist before man made laws, and that a king was the instrument to express those laws, and therefore could not rightfully make any law that contradicted those transcendent laws of God.
i.e. a king can only make laws that are derived from God's laws, and thus is not a power unto himself, but is subject to God and God's laws.
There is a direct line of reasoning and understanding from these points to the US constitution which, by and large, was a codification of the common law in to a consistent legal document defining the framework for the relationship between living men and woman and their government(s).
Thanks for that video. I only gathered this connection from various things I was digging into, seeing a more formal discussion about this would be great. Adding to my watch list
I have always wondered about Magna Carta. I think it had both WH & BH influences. It delivered people from tyranny, but at the same time, set up stage for usurping the monarchy.
Coming late to this party...but remember how the Founders of this Republic set things up so that corporate charters were sunsetted after 7 years maximum? They could only be extended by the will of the people. I'm oversimplifying--there were pitched battles between Federalists and Anti-Federalists on this (and among my Revolutionary War era ancestors, we had some of each!).
An incorporated entity existed to do a particular project or task. Then was dissolved. They were not intended to become "legal persons" with more rights than God's People AND The Undead to boot!
Amen brother.