Yes please I would love to know this too as my understanding being a Protestant myself is that whatever was removed from the Bible was the Catholics own made up laws and rituals which was not grounded in the teachings of Christ but rather added in as an addition to their religion.
Martin Luther, a man that influenced by the Kabbalah, removed the seven books that Jews wanted out of the cannon. When the Jews refused to convert to hos new version of Christianity, he wrote the book "the Jews & their lies".
The facts are on my side. The Protestant Bible consists of only 66 books ― 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament. The Catholic (i.e., the original canon) settled upon in the 4th century is contains 73 books including Tobias, Judith, Wisdom, Sirach (i.e., Ecclesiasticus), Baruch, and 1 and 2 Maccabees ― what Protestants call the Apocrypha.
Read up on Luther, he wanted to take out the Epsitle of James & remove book of Revelations.
Flat earthers are an interesting breed with some interesting view points. The fact that the Globalists insists the world is a globe had me thinking for sure. Also the WHO org map of earth is actual flat earth. I’m not thoroughly convinced we are floating around on a ball in infinite space. None of this can be proved in the Bible either although I do get more of a feeling that earth is a center of the universe and not just some insignificant fragment of it. While I do believe other planets exist and floats in the atmosphere I’m not so sure earth is doing the same. Just my two thoughts..I’m not married to either side of the idea. I tend to assume we have been lied to and therefore question everything we’ve been taught.
No judgement from me as long as you remain open to facts. Try this , the stars turn on the horizon clockwise in the northern hemisphere and counterclockwise in the south. That's indisputable
If that's the case, did you not wonder why all the removed books are from the OT? How would the Catholics insert into the OT their own laws and rituals before they (& Jesus) even existed?
is a fascinating "pendulum binary lense" to look at the cabal through. Sorry if that label is confusing, it's the best I got at the moment. Different periods in history one side is on top and the other is suppressed. Freemasonic thought has likely been on the earth under other names, while the Catholic polarity of it has maintained its name (Catholic) since it adopted it, but before that the power structure was also present all the way back to the Tower of Babel (one supreme ruler at the top)
Martin Luther was a Rosecrutian Gnostic. Hense, Protestanism is a divergence of the purity of the faith.
Catholics have been at war with Gnostism (Freemasonry) for several centuries prior to the advent of Protestantism existance.
I don't believe God is a poligsmist & wanted different 45,000 churhes that have sprung up over the past 500 years. But hey, that's just what I believe & I chose to remain loyal to the original Church founded by his Apostles.
Catholics have been at war with Gnostism (Freemasonry)
Thank you for this. I've been trying to find a better term for Freemasonry, as I know it dates much farther back in time than the literal orders titled "Freemasons". Yes indeed, they fight, but only because the gnostics worship their own minds while the pope seeks for all to worship his. (and you can break this down the ranks of the Catholic church with cardinals etc. but in essence it begins at the top, naturally.)
The way I see it we basically have two sides:
Gnostic self-worship VS the Tower of Babel
Anarchy VS Totalitarianism
Thanks be to God that neither one shall prevail on His earth. The secular authorities are the only lawful enforcers, and the spiritual laws and principals God passed onto us are the only valid doctrines upon which to establish secular laws. It's quite beautiful.
The Protestant Bible consists of only 66 books ― 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament. The Catholic (i.e., the original canon) settled upon in the 4th century is contains 73 books including Tobias, Judith, Wisdom, Sirach (i.e., Ecclesiasticus), Baruch, and 1 and 2 Maccabees ― what Protestants call the Apocrypha.
Why are Protestant bibles missing seven books? Lets start there.
Yes please I would love to know this too as my understanding being a Protestant myself is that whatever was removed from the Bible was the Catholics own made up laws and rituals which was not grounded in the teachings of Christ but rather added in as an addition to their religion.
Martin Luther, a man that influenced by the Kabbalah, removed the seven books that Jews wanted out of the cannon. When the Jews refused to convert to hos new version of Christianity, he wrote the book "the Jews & their lies".
Martin Luther read the Talmud and was so horrified and disgusted about what was in it that he wrote "the Jews and their Lies"
Those books were included but labeled as Apocrypha.
Quit lying.
Thanks for knowing what you are talking about
The facts are on my side. The Protestant Bible consists of only 66 books ― 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament. The Catholic (i.e., the original canon) settled upon in the 4th century is contains 73 books including Tobias, Judith, Wisdom, Sirach (i.e., Ecclesiasticus), Baruch, and 1 and 2 Maccabees ― what Protestants call the Apocrypha.
Read up on Luther, he wanted to take out the Epsitle of James & remove book of Revelations.
Careful friend, you don't want to upset the flat earthers
Flat earthers are an interesting breed with some interesting view points. The fact that the Globalists insists the world is a globe had me thinking for sure. Also the WHO org map of earth is actual flat earth. I’m not thoroughly convinced we are floating around on a ball in infinite space. None of this can be proved in the Bible either although I do get more of a feeling that earth is a center of the universe and not just some insignificant fragment of it. While I do believe other planets exist and floats in the atmosphere I’m not so sure earth is doing the same. Just my two thoughts..I’m not married to either side of the idea. I tend to assume we have been lied to and therefore question everything we’ve been taught.
No judgement from me as long as you remain open to facts. Try this , the stars turn on the horizon clockwise in the northern hemisphere and counterclockwise in the south. That's indisputable
If that's the case, did you not wonder why all the removed books are from the OT? How would the Catholics insert into the OT their own laws and rituals before they (& Jesus) even existed?
Notice you have to change the subject and use a logical fallacy to dip out of backing up your assertion.
kek. noticed
Does one of the seven books say when her birthday was?
Well the Masons…..
Freemasons - Catholics
is a fascinating "pendulum binary lense" to look at the cabal through. Sorry if that label is confusing, it's the best I got at the moment. Different periods in history one side is on top and the other is suppressed. Freemasonic thought has likely been on the earth under other names, while the Catholic polarity of it has maintained its name (Catholic) since it adopted it, but before that the power structure was also present all the way back to the Tower of Babel (one supreme ruler at the top)
Mystery Babylon is a confusing harlot
Martin Luther was a Rosecrutian Gnostic. Hense, Protestanism is a divergence of the purity of the faith.
Catholics have been at war with Gnostism (Freemasonry) for several centuries prior to the advent of Protestantism existance. Fact.
I don't believe God is a poligsmist & wanted different 45,000 churhes that have sprung up over the past 500 years. But hey, that's just what I believe & I chose to remain loyal to the original Church founded by his Apostles.
Thank you for this. I've been trying to find a better term for Freemasonry, as I know it dates much farther back in time than the literal orders titled "Freemasons". Yes indeed, they fight, but only because the gnostics worship their own minds while the pope seeks for all to worship his. (and you can break this down the ranks of the Catholic church with cardinals etc. but in essence it begins at the top, naturally.)
The way I see it we basically have two sides:
Gnostic self-worship VS the Tower of Babel
Anarchy VS Totalitarianism
Thanks be to God that neither one shall prevail on His earth. The secular authorities are the only lawful enforcers, and the spiritual laws and principals God passed onto us are the only valid doctrines upon which to establish secular laws. It's quite beautiful.
It's a legitimate question. Btw, what are the seven books?
The Protestant Bible consists of only 66 books ― 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament. The Catholic (i.e., the original canon) settled upon in the 4th century is contains 73 books including Tobias, Judith, Wisdom, Sirach (i.e., Ecclesiasticus), Baruch, and 1 and 2 Maccabees ― what Protestants call the Apocrypha.
Thank you.